Chapter 31

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Yume's POV
'I couldn't believe that he will leave... I was sad but shouldn't I feel happy for his success? Then why can't I... why can't I be happy for him?' I thought while walking around the school at night until I reached the bridge... brings back some memories of Valentine's Day

I went to the place I was most likely to see Subaru -senpai. Near the bridge.
It was him that I saw sitting beside the lake.
"S-Subaru-senpai." I stuttered.. what a perfect start.
"Oh it's you Yume." He said.
"I... have something for you." I said, giving him the chocolates.
"T-thanks." He said.
"Um.. I've got something to say." I continued.
"Me too." He said.
"Let's say it together." I said.
"Ok." He said.
"I like you!" We said at the same time.

'It's the place where we confessed to each other, I thought nothing could break us apart.. guess I was wrong.' I thought and got lost between my thoughts not realizing that the person I was thinking of was coming towards me.
"Yume!" Subaru said wearing his normal outfit a white shirt and his blue pants and his hands in his pockets while his hair is a mess, but still looks good.
"Oh Subaru, hey." I said in a tone that showed my sadness, perfect. Just what I didn't want to happen.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"N-nothing, I'm fine." I stuttered while answering. Great now I'm getting him even more suspicious. I have to get out of this situation now before it gets worse.
"Oh, would you look at the time. I should get going bye." I said turning around ready to leave but he grabbed my wrist and stopped me from doing so.
"Ok tell me what's wrong." He demanded.
"Nothing is wrong." I answered nervously.
"Yume please tell me." He pleaded letting my hand go.
"I-I can't." I said quickly turning around running away tears falling one after another.
'If I told you, you'd hate me. You wouldn't want to stay with me. You'd leave me. Why? Because I'm selfish.'

~the day before M4's and Kaito's departure~
~S4 dorms~
Author's POV
"Ok guys I'm heading out, I have a date." Mahiru said.
"Oh wait for me." Laura said.
"Wait I'm coming as well~nya." Ako said.
"Me too." Koharu said. Then everyone looked at Yume.
"What about you?" Laura asked.
"Oh, Subaru and I didn't plan anything. You guys go and have fun." Yume said putting on a fake smile which was obvious.
"I-I do, but that's probably because I haven't talked to him for a week or so." Yume said.
"That Subaru is paying for making you cry!" Mahiru said cracking her knuckles.
"N-no, he didn't. I was selfish and that led to this situation. Go on you guys are gonna miss your day with your boyfriends." Yume said.
"How do you think we're gonna have fun knowing you are here about to break down into tears?" Koharu asked.
"I'll get that." Koharu said.
Murmuring can be heard from where the girls were.
"So tell me now what did that idiot do to you?" Kanata asked getting into the room they were in.
"Well hello to you too." Ako said.
"Ya hello." Kanata said taking a glance at Ako but then turned his attention back to Yume.
"He did nothing, it was my fault. You guys just leave." Yume said.
"No! All of you stay here nobody goes out of this building." Kanata said running to S4 dorm's door opening it and closing it quickly.

~5 minutes later~
"Come on in." Kanata said from outside the dorm's building.
"No, she ran away from me." Someone's voice could be heard as well.
"Then fix things with her!" Kanata shouted.
The door then opened revealing Kanata and Subaru.
"S-Subaru, what a-are y-you doing here?" Yume asked surprised her eyes wide open.
"See, I told you she didn't want to see me! Your brother dragged me here." Subaru said.
"C-can we t-talk alone f-for a minute?" Yume asked.
"Y-ya sure." Subaru said leading Yume into another room to talk while everyone left for their dates.

"Look Subaru, I'm sorry for what happened between us. It was my fault, my selfishness, that lead us to here." Yume said looking at the floor.
"What are you talking about?" Subaru asked cluelessly.
"I-I d-don't want you to go, I'll miss you. I'll miss having you beside me. I'll miss us." Yume said breaking into tears and falling to the ground.
"Shh, it's okay. Let it all out." Subaru said bringing Yume into a hug and stroking her hair.
"Look Yume, I know you don't want me to leave but I have to, but I promise you that I'll be calling and texting you everyday. So that we can always be there for each other. And nothing will happen between us. We'll just be far away from each other. Oh and I'll make sure to get you the best gift you'd wish for. What do you say?" Subaru asked making Yume face him.
Yume just nodded in response. And seconds later their lips were touching as they shared a soft and warm kiss. When they separated Subaru quickly said,
"Meet me in front of the gates in 10 minutes. Like I'm letting those guys spend the last day here with their girlfriends but I won't." Subaru said.
"Okay." Yume said standing up, wiping the tears off her face and putting on the warmest smile she has and this time not a fake one.

~10 minutes later.. in front of the gates~
"Well don't you look beautiful my princess." Subaru flirted.
"Thank you. You don't look bad yourself either. I should thank Nozumu later." Yume said but murmured the last part but Subaru did hear what she said.
"Why would you thank him?" Subaru asked.
"For teaching you how to flirt." Yume answered.
"Seriously Yume." Subaru asked.
"Ya why not?" Yume asked.
And that's how they spent their last day together before Subaru's departure the next day where he'll be gone for 3 years.

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