Chapter 37

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Yume's POV
~3 years later~
'And the winner is Nijino Yume' the announcer screamed as the crowd roared with cheering.. I woke up due to the sun's rays coming in through the curtains. I felt arms wrapped around my waist and that scared me. I tried to take a look of the person hugging me. And when I did I thought I saw a ghost or something. Chocolate brown hair was all I could see and who else would have such hair other than..
"SUBARU!!" I shouted as I got out of his grip and hugged him real tight and started crying gripping his shirt tighter because of how happy I was to see him.
"I see my tomato woke up." He said.
"I m-missed you s-so m-much.. b-but h-how?? Weren't you s-sup-posed to come tomorrow?" I stuttered and continued crying from joy and surprise into his chest.
"We told you that because we wanted to surprise you." Subaru said.
"Oh my god!! You don't know how happy I am to see you!"I said the tears still falling onto my cheeks.
"I see my tomato is still a cry baby even after she won the Aikatsu World Cup 3 times." Subaru said. He then pulled my face closer to his and then we shared a deep passionate kiss. You can say this is our first kiss after 3 years.

"Ahem." Someone fake coughed which made us pull away. I looked at the door to find a green-headed guy standing there. 
"I don't get a welcome back and he does?" My brother asked.
"Hi Kanata." I said/acted in a somehow disappointed way. 
"Seriously?" He asked.
"I'm joking you idiot!" I said and quickly ran to him and gave him a crushing hug. It was then that I noticed how tall my brother grew. I mean I did become taller but Kanata might be at 5'8 now and I'm here stuck at 5'5. And boy when Subaru came and stood next to me he looked gigantic he might be 5'9.
I felt really short between both Subaru and Kanata.
"Well um both of you out I need to change." I said as I pushed both of them out of my room when I was about to close the door Subaru stopped it and said "Can't I stay inside?" With that my brother punched him to the ground and started dragging him away by his shirt.
I chucked and closed the door behind me as I headed to the bathroom to take a shower.
When I was done I wore this outfit:

I headed down for breakfast when I saw the girls with their boyfriends I quickly went and welcomed everyone back with crushing hugs

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I headed down for breakfast when I saw the girls with their boyfriends I quickly went and welcomed everyone back with crushing hugs. Then I went to have breakfast. I saw a plate with many pancakes on it. I sat down and stared eating.
"How can she stay so fit when she eats this much?" Nozumu asked.
"It's Yume.. What can we say?" Laura said.
"Hey I heard that!" I said my mouth full of pancakes.
"I still wonder how she's the top idol of the world." Mahiru said shaking her head.
"I heard that as well!" I said and everyone started laughing.
"She's Yume and no one can eat as much as her." Kanata said appearing from behind me and messed up my hair.
"I hate you." I glared at him. It took me hours to finish doing my hair.
"Love you too sis." He said as he went to sit beside Ako.

Later we went to hang out at the park and had a small picnic there as we caught up over what happened the past 3 years. 
It felt nice to know that now I'm between people that care about me just as much as I care about them.
I felt safe as I sat on the grass with Subaru's arm wrapped around my shoulder as we watched the sun set with everyone else.

That day the smile couldn't leave my face as I awaited for what will come next in my adventure with everyone else.

Sorry for the late update. I hope you enjoyed this chapter..

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