Chapter 14

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Author's POV
The day after the performance Yume, Laura, Mahiru, and Ako decided to meet up at a café to hangout.
During the hang out Ako asked Yume something.
"Hey Yume." Ako started
"Ya?" Yume looked up from her chocolate cake.
"Umm, is this true... are you dating Kanata-senpai?" Ako asked showing Yume the page that had a rumor.
Ako's POV
I just finished filming a commercial and I'm tired, so the second I entered my dorm I flopped on the bed.
I was tired but didn't want to sleep. So I called my family and we talked for about 30 mins, then I checked the news and it shocked me to see:
Kanata Kira and Yume Nijino Dating?!??!?!?!!
I tried to ignore it but there was pain in my heart, it's just that I like M4, and I have a crush on Kanata-senpai.
I really needed to know if the rumor is true and I needed Yume to tell me that, cuz what kind of girl would I be walking up to
Kanata-senpai and asking him if the rumor is true, it would be so embarrassing.
I didn't get the chance to meet up with Yume for 3 days but when I did it was the day after her performance with Hime-senpai.
-End of flashback-
Ako's POV
"Ya! I've been meaning to ask you about it too. So?" Mahiru said.
"It's not true. We met up while I was having some fun in town and I happened to meet up with him.... I was just hanging out with him." Yume said.
I was relieved that she isn't dating him. But something about what she said gives me a lying vibe. On the day that the rumor popped up I saw her going out of the school gates with someone.
Yume's POV
"It's not true. We met up while I was having some fun in town and I happened to meet up with him.... I was just hanging out with him." I lied.
After we finished what we ordered in the café, we went shopping and Mahiru bought the most, while each one of us got an outfit.
When we arrived at school Ako said that Tsubasa-senpai asked to meet her so she went to the theater class, while Mahiru said that her sister wanted her opinion on some outfits she designed so she headed to the S4 dorms, and Laura said she was meeting someone... so I just went to my dorm and called my brother.

"Hey oni-san." I said as soon as he picked up.
"Hey Yume. How are you?" He answered.
"I'm good and I've got good news for you."I said.
"What would they be?" He asked.
"If I remember correctly you~ did tell me you have a crush on one of my friends... Ako right?" I asked with a huge smirk on my face.
"Y-ya." He stuttered.. he must be blushing madly right now.
"Well today she asked me about that rumor."I added.
"W-what did you tell her?" He asked.
"Oh nothing just that it's true." I said grinning like an idiot.
"You told her WHAT?????!!!" He flipped out.
"Hey calm down... I told her it's not true." I said.
"And why would that be good news." He asked again.
"Idiot why do you think she asked???" God boys are always dense when it comes to love.
"I don't know." He said
"I think that she might have a crush on you." I said getting what I wanted to tell him out of my system.
"W-what a-are you a-saying." He stuttered again.
"I said she might have a crush on you." I repeated.
"It isn't true. You didn't even ask her." He replied trying not to stutter.
"Fine I'll prove it to you." I said and ended the call.

Then I called Ako telling her to meet me in my room.
*Knock* *Knock*
"You wanted to talk to me?" She said entering the room.
"Actually I just wanted to ask you..." I said as I turned on the recorder and opened the page about the rumor of me and my brother dating.
"Why did you ask me about this today?" I continued saying while showing her the rumor.
"U-Um no s-specific reason." She said while stuttering.
"Are you sure it's not because you like Kanata-senpai?" I asked.
"O-of course not, why do you think I would love him?" She said facing the other way.
"Oh come on, it's obvious. If you don't like him, or as you said love him.. then why are you stuttering and why is your face beat red?" I said.
"Because.." she said trying to find a reason.
"Because~.." I repeated after her.
"Ugh, fine I like Kanata-senpai." She said it in a low voice.
"Sorry, I couldn't hear you." I said even though I did.
"I said I like him." She said a little louder.
"Sorry can you say that louder." I said teasingly.
"I SAID I LIKE HIM." She shouted.
"I knew it." I said happily as I clapped my hands and turned the recorder off.
"This is SO EMBARRASSING!!!" She said covering her face that is red with her hands.
"Oh come on. It won't be that embarrassing when he hears what you said." I said trying to contain my laughter.
"W-what do you mean?" She asked giving me her full attention.
"Oh nothing. Now can you please leave, I'm tired." I said.
"What, tell me what you meant-." She couldn't finish since I just pushed her out of the room and slammed the door shut.
"Now to meeting him." I said in an evil way.
I texted my brother saying:

Hey... how are you. Can I meet you in person?? I typed.

Ya sure.. the normal meeting place? He typed back.

Yes! I replied.

-the meeting place-
"I SAID I LIKE HIM." Ako's voice was heard from the recorder.
"See I told you." I said.
"S-so now w-what do I do?" My dense brother asked.
"Ugh, you go confess." I said facepalming myself.
"O-okay."He said stuttering.
"When exactly?" I asked.
"Soon enough." He said.
"Okay~." I said.
"Goodnight." I said turning away.
"Goodnight." He said facing the other way.

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