Chapter 39

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Yume's POV
After dinner we went to the roof where I saw a spectacular view of the city at night. It was so beautiful. I stopped staring at the view for a second to see no Subaru in front of me, instead he was........ down on one knee with a black box revealing a beautiful diamond ring.
I gasped the second I saw this. My hand flew to my face from surprise. I could see him smile warmly at my reaction.

"Yume, I honestly never thought I could love someone as much as I love you. You're an amazing person with great spirit that could make anyone smile. And even though you're clumsy at most of the time it's makes you special in my eyes. I know and I'm sure that I want to spend the rest of my life with you by my side, so... will you marry me?" That was the sweetest thing he's ever said to me. Without thinking twice I quickly said, "Of course I will marry you." I said as he picked me up by my waist and spun me around.
"I love you so much." He said setting me on the ground and looking into my eyes.
"I love you more." I said.
"Not possible." He said smirking and pulling me in for a kiss.

I woke up in a bed definitely not mine, I felt arms wrapped around me securely. I shifted my position so I can be facing Subaru.
"Morning." I whispered playing with his messy brown hair. He grunted and started opening his eyes.
"Morning." He said.
"Come on let's get up , I'll make you breakfast." I said getting up from bed and walking to the kitchen. I started preparing pancakes.

When the pancakes were done Subaru came out of the room and sat on the table ready to eat. I placed a plate of a couple pancakes in front of him. And took double of what I gave him.
"Uhh, are you sure that's not too much?" He asked.
"I need food to fill this tummy." I said rubbing my stomach and began to eat.
"I wonder how you stay so fit?" He said quietly but loud enough for me to hear it.
"I work out." I said and placed my plate in the dish washer.
"Y-you're done?" Subaru asked amused.
"Ya now come on. We'll be meeting up with the others later. So hurry up!" I said closing the bathrooms door behind me as I went in to take a shower.

~time skip.. when they're meeting up~
"Where are they?" I asked stomping my foot on the ground. Subaru and I were wearing disguises because we were in a public place and we didn't want to attract attention.
"Hey!!" Someone shouted and waved at us.
"Oh hey." I said as they stood beside us.
"You guys are late." I said.
"Sorry." Ako said.
"It's ok. Where are the others now?" I asked.
"They'll be he-" Ako was cut off when Laura Mahiru and Koharu along with Nozumu Kaito and Asahi came towards us.
"Hey guys." All of them said.
"Hey." I said waving my hand.
"OH MY GOD!!!! IS THAT A RING!!I CANT BELIEVE YOU'RE ENGAGED!!" Mahiru shouted attracting a lot of attention at us.
"WHAT?!" Everyone asked surprised when they saw the ring on my finger.
"My baby sister is engaged to him?" Kanata asked.
"I don't know if that's supposed to be good or bad." I said.
"So when's the wedding?" Koharu asked.
"We just got engaged yesterday.." Subaru said.
"Come on.. let's get going." Kaito said.
We spent the rest of the rest of the day shopping and the guys had to carry everything we bought. That's their job isn't it?

Yume and Subaru's POV
'I can't wait till the day we get married.'

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