Chapter 17

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Yume's POV
The day of the valentine performance for me Laura, Mahiru and Ako is in 3 days.
And now we're in the kitchen making chocolate. Ako said that she'll be making a special one for Kanata. And I'll be making one for all of S4, M4 and my friends and family.
But there will be one special chocolate it'll be for Subaru-senpai... a couple days ago I finally understood that I have feelings for Subaru-senpai... that I like him. I hope he doesn't reject me.
I made the chocolates and now I'm choosing the rapping, I made sure that Subaru-senpai's shows some of my feelings. The rapping paper was red and had I Love You written on it in white.
"Yume are you done?" Laura asks from behind.
"Ya I am." I reply.
"Then come on we're going for a jog wanna join us?" Mahiru says.
"Ya coming." I say as I get all the chocolates and run back to the dorm quickly so they won't get ruined.
~time skip ~
"Aikatsu... Aikatsu... Aikatsu..." All of us chanted as we ran around the school.
"Aikatsu... Aikatsu... Aikatsu..." someone shouted behind us.
"S-Subaru... can't we take a break????" Someone whined.
My friends and I turned our heads to find the one and only M4.
"Hey girls." Nozume said. I believe I saw a faint blush on Laura's face. Wonder why??
"Hey." We all replied.
"So Kanata have you heard about our valentine performance in 3 days?" Ako asked.
"Nope." Oni-san replied.
"Well you should come." Ako said.
"Sure." He said.
"And oni-san you and Subaru-senpai and Nozume-senpai could also come." Mahiru said.
"Sure we have free time in 3 days, except at night... we have a concert at that time." He said cheerfully.
"Great then it's settled we'll see you then." Laura said and we ran back to our dorms.
~2 days later~
We were 1 day away from our valentine performance... we're nervous because this will be our first valentine show.
We chose the songs we'll be singing alone and together. I think it's gonna turn out great. I'm so excited.
~The next day~
We were backstage getting ready when we heard a knock.
"Come in." I said.
"Hello girls." A blond guy said.
"Hello oni-san." Mahiru said.
"Mahiru!" Asahi- senpai ran to his sister to give her a hug instead of accepting the hug she hit him on the back of his neck.
"Ouch!" He said.
"Umm.... we just came here to tell you good luck." Subaru-senpai said.
"Thanks." I said showing the best smile I could put on. 
"We won't hold you back anymore so bye." Oni-san said dragging Asahi-senpai out.
"Okay girls ready?" I asked.
"Yeah!" The said raising their hands up.
"Let's go!" I said running out of the door and the other following me.

"2 minuets left." The guy managing the time said.
"Okay." Laura replied.
"Come on." Ako said.
'This performance will be expressing the love I feel for Subaru-senpai.' I thought.

(Sorry this is the only performance the 4 of them have together.)
Yume's performance

Mahiru's performance

Ako's performance

Laura's performance

During Yume's performance.
Both Yume's and Subaru's POV
After this performance I'll be confessing and making him/her mine. I'll make sure that happens.
Subaru's POV
Her performance was amazing. I could feel the love roaming around.
When the show ended I was going backstage to talk to Yume and confess to her but someone grabbed my hand. It was Kanata.
"Come on.. we've got a show." He said.
"Okay." I said hesitantly.
I'll confess later

Yume's POV
While we were thanking the fans I saw M4  leaving the stadium.
I guess I'll be confessing later
~After M4's performance... at school.~
Still in Yume's POV
I went to the place I was most likely to see Subaru -senpai. Near the bridge.
It was him that I saw sitting beside the lake.
"S-Subaru-senpai." I stuttered.. what a perfect start.
"Oh it's you Yume." He said.
"I... have something for you." I said, giving him the chocolates.
"T-thanks." He said.
"Um.. I've got something to say." I continued.
"Me too." He said.
"Let's say it together." I said.
"Ok." He said.
"I like you!" We said at the same time.

Both Yume's and Subaru's POV
Glad he/she feels the same way!
Sorry for the late update... ideas were hardly coming.

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