Chapter 23

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Yume's POV
"Hello Yume, Subaru, Laura. How are all of you?" He said.
"Kaito?!" I asked surprised.
"The one and only." He said.
Author's POV
"How are you Laura." Kaito asked.
"I'm good. What about you?" Laura answered.
"Fine." He answered.
"Laura who's he?" Nozume asked in a tone with a bit of annoyance.
"This is Kaito.. he's a childhood friend of mine." Laura answered.
"Oh Kaito since you already met Yume and Subaru, might as well meet the others... this is Ako her boyfriend Kanata... and this is Koharu childhood friend of Yume and soon to be girlfriend of Asahi... and and this is Mahiru, Asahi's little sister." Laura said.
"Pleasure to meet you m'lady." Kaito said kissing Mahiru's cheek and making Mahiru blush a bit. A tick mark grew on Asahi's face and Koharu noticed it and tried calming him down.
"We'll I just came here to say hi but I guess I'll see you soon Laura?" Kaito asked.
"Ya of course... see you then." Laura replied.
After Kaito left Nozume quickly grabbed Laura and took her to a private place to talk in.
"Who was that?" Nozume asked somehow furious.
"Calm down. And I told you and everyone back there that he's my childhood friend." Laura said.
"Do you have any feelings for him?" Nozume asked unsure if he should have or not.
"Well I love him," Laura said and Nozume looked like a rock just fell on him, "as a brother of course." She continued, and life was bright back to Nozume's face.
"One more question. Who is your crush?" Nozume asked Laura as she blushed madly the second he finished his sentence.
"N-n-no o-one in p-particular." She stuttered her face still painted red.
"Really~?" Nozume asked.
"Y-ya." Laura said.
"I don't believe you." He said.
"Who do you like?" He asked again, this time in a more desperate way.
"N-noz-" She was cut off by Nozume saying, "Can you please say that guy's name louder so I could go punch him?" He asked, and Laura laughed.
"H-how are you gonna punch yourself?" She asked and Nozume gave her a 'what are you talking about' face.
"W-wait. Y-you don't mean?" He asked.
"If you're thinking what I'm thinking then yes." Laura answered.
"Ok let's say what we're thinking about at the count of 3." Nozume said and Laura nodded.
"I like you." Nozume said but Laura couldn't get the words out of her mouth. Instead she just stood there shocked.
"Why didn't you say anything?" Nozume asked.
"I-i never thought you would ever feel the same way I felt towards you." Laura said.
"Well can I hear what you were going to say?" Nozume asked. Laura nodded as 3 words came out of her mouth.
"I like you." She said.
"Well my princess I like you too." He flirted.
"So~ do you want to be my girlfriend?" Nozume asked.
"Of course!" Laura said cheerfully with a bit of blush on her cheek.
"Well I guess only I can get the great Laura to blush." Nozume teased.
"W-what n-no. Who said I was blushing?" Laura stuttered and denied it.
"Your face." He said pointing his finger to his now girlfriend's blushing face.
"Let's just go back to the others." Laura said trying to get away from Nozume.
"Trying to run away are we my princess?" Nozume asked.
Laura mouthed 'busted' so he couldn't hear her and tease her anymore about it.
When they got back to the group holding hands the guys stared cheering.
"You finally got yourself a girlfriend." Kanata said.
"Oh shut up." Nozume said.
"At least now we won't have to hear him whine about how he wants to be Laura's boyfriend." Asahi said and sighed after.
"I know right. Laura please don't ever break up with him. We don't wanna die." Subaru said.
"Don't worry, I don't think a breakup is happening any time soon." Laura said.
"You mean in forever." Nozume corrected her.
"Who knows what the future will bring?" Yume said looking at the beautiful sky above her and her friends.
"I don't believe Laura got a boyfriend before me. And now I'm alone sitting here alone because each couple is out on a date." Mahiru sighed to herself as she was sitting on a bench.
"I could take you out on a date you know." A person said.
Mahiru turned her head around to find the one and only Kaito.
"Y-you mean a friends' date." Mahiru said.
"Y-ya. Wanna go." Kaito asked.
"Ya sure." Mahiru said.
And Kaito and Mahiru went together and spent the evening together.
Sorry for another late update. I'll try updating quicker in the future.

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