Yume wants to become the top idol in the entire world but she faces many problems including beating her biggest rival Sakuraba Laura and trying her best to keep a huge secret from becoming public, but can she do that if she falls in love?
~The next day~ Kanata's POV "Wake up!" I said shaking Yume in attempt to wake her up. "Go away." Yume said swinging her hand in the air and slapping me in process. "Why you?!" I said angrily as I went to Yume's bed and pushed her out of the bed. "Ow!" She said standing up coming towards me and stepping on my foot. "Just get ready for the beach today." I said walking to the door and opening it. "Oh my god. The beach right! Why didn't you wake me up any earlier? God a brother with no use." She said going to her closet picking out many stuff. "Well I'm sorry that I've been trying to wake you up for the past hour lazy head." I said shutting the door behind me.
~the beach~ Author's POV Yume and Kanata arrived at the beach where everyone was waiting for them. "What took you guys so long?" Ako asked. "Ask lazy head here." Kanata said pointing towards Yume. "Of course." Laura said. "What's that supposed to mean?" Yume asked. "Nothing." Both Laura and Kanata said said at the same time.
Later the girls went running to the beach but after Mahiru gave them a lecture about how idols shouldn't get sunburned and many other 'safety' instructions. The guys followed them later on and they decided to have a volleyball match girls vs. boys.
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Of course the guys had no chance since Yume played volleyball when she was young.
Later they decided to have ice cream. Yume was like a child and couldn't wait, the others became nervous because of all the attention Yume was attracting to them.
That night all of them sat around the campfire roasting marshmallows while talking. "So guys our parents are going out for the week, you wanna come to our house until they come back?" Kanata asked. "Ya please! It'll be way more fun with you guys around. I wouldn't want to be stuck alone with him for and entire week." Yume said pointing at Kanata in a disgusted face. "Well we gotta ask out parents." Asahi said while the rest of them just nodded their heads. They continued talking until... "Will you come with your prince my princess?" Nosume asked offering Laura his hand so they can go somewhere. "Let me think about it." Laura said but seconds later was pulled up by Nozume. "God they're like a perfect couple." Mahiru said. "Mahiru can we talk in private please." Kaito asked. "Of course." Mahiru said smiling at him. She got up and followed him where they could talk alone. "I have a feeling that something will happen." Ako said. "Ya me too." Yume said nodding. "I hope they become a couple. They would look so cute together." Koharu said. "I swear if he does anything to my sister, I'll kill him." Asahi said in an angry voice. "Hey calm down, it's gonna be ok." Kanata said. "Ya right. Look who's saying to calm down. When you knew Subaru and Yume started dating you wouldn't stop talking about it on every date we went on until you actually accepted them together." Ako said while holding the laugh. "Ya you would come everyday back to dorm and start threatening me." Subaru said also holding the laughter. "And you would come and tell me that you don't want me dating Subaru every time you saw me. And when you didn't see me you would keep spamming me." Yume said. "You were making me afraid that I was actually gonna break up with Yume." Subaru said. "Really. So that means if I kept doing that for a couple more days, I could've separated my sister from you." Kanata said in a both happy and sad tone. "Y-you were gonna break up with me?" Yume asked a tear coming out of her eye. "N-no. Y-yes. I-i mean n-no. N-no.*sigh* Yes. You know what come here." Subaru said. Yume went his way. "I'm glad that I didn't break up with you back then because I wouldn't have had all those amazing moments with you." Subaru said wiping that tear that fell from Yume's eye with his thumb and then kissing her lips. "Get a room you two." Ako said.
~with Mahiru and Kaito~ "The stars look beautiful tonight." Mahiru said. "I know. And you look even more beautiful than them." Kaito said. "T-thanks." Mahiru stuttered and a hint of pink spread across her cheeks, but Kaito didn't see it because it was dark. "S-so I've b-been wanting t-to tell you s-something i-important." He stuttered. "Okay. Go on." Mahiru said. "Mahiru I-i l-love y-you." Kaito was finally able to get the words out. "R-really." Mahiru asked. "Y-ya." Kaito said scratching the back of his neck sounding nervous. "Well me too." Mahiru said. "Geez, can't you say it." Kaito asked getting closer to Mahiru and lifting her face so she can face him. "I-I love you too." Mahiru said moving her gaze away from him. "Look at me Mahiru." Kaito said making the distance between them smaller, when she finally looked at him he kissed her under the moonlight.
~2 days later~ *KNOCK* *KNOCK* *KNOCK* "Coming." Yume said running down the stairs. When she reached the door she opened it to find Mahiru and Asahi. "Hey guys." Yume said letting them in. "Hey Yume." Mahiru said. "Hey Asahi Mahiru." Kanata said coming from behind Yume. "Hey. Did your parents leave already?" Asahi asked. "Nope they're about to." Kanata said. *KNOCK* *KNOCK* *KNOCK* "I'll get that." Yume said running to the door. When she opens it she finds Nozume and Laura. "Laura. Glad you could make it." Yume said. "Ya me too. I wouldn't want to miss all the fun we're gonna have over this week." Laura said getting in and Nozume after her. The door knocked again and this time Kanata went to get it to find Ako, Koharu, and Kaito there. "Hey." Was all Kanata said. "Hi." Koharu and Kaito said together. "Geez. Try and show a little more excitement will you." Ako said getting in. "Well I would do anything to please my kitty." Kanata said as he hugged Ako from the back. "G-good." Ako said blushing. After all of Yume and Kanata's friends introduced themselves to the parents, the siblings headed to the door with their parents. "Be good okay. I don't want to come back with half of you guys alive ok." The father said.
A car parked in front of the house and the boy with brown hair got out. "Subaru!!!" Yume said running to him. "Hey Yume." Subaru said kissing her cheek. "Who's that?" The mother asked. "This is Subaru Yuki. My boyfriend." Yume said. "No way. My daughter is dating a guy as handsome as you. I wish you good luck." The father said. "I'll need it." Subaru said. "Hey what's that supposed to mean?" Yume asked puffing her cheeks in annoyance. "So kids have fun while we're away." The mother said pushing her husband into the car so they can get going and this conversation won't get any worse. "Well let's go inside I'm starving." Yume said. "You won't ever change will you?" Subaru asked chuckling. "Nope." Yume said and then she ran into the house and headed to the kitchen.