Chapter 8

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Author's POV
"Action." The director said.
~The movie~
"Yume-sama, your father and mother ask you to prepare yourself for a meeting with important people today." The maid said from behind the door to princess yume's room.
"Yees." Princess Yume said.
When princess Yume finished preparing herself she went to where her parents asked her to go.
When she entered the meeting room she saw a couple and a boy with brown hair and blue sapphire eyes.
"Good afternoon." Princess Yume said politely and she bowed.
"Good afternoon." The 3 guests replied.
"Yume dear please take a seat." Yume's mother asked her.
"Of course mother." Yume said as she sat down on a rounded table.
"Princess Yume, my name is Ellie Yuki and this is my husband Haru Yuki. And this young man is our son Subaru Yuki." A woman with brown hair and eyes said.
"Nice to meet all of you." Yume replied.
"So Yume dear we really don't know where to start, so we'll go straight to the point. You see while your mother was pregnant with you queen Ellie was also pregnant with prince Subaru. And we were such good friends with Subaru's parents and that is why we signed a contract that states that you guys have an arranged marriage." Yume's father said.
It took a while for Princess Yume to process what she was told.
"Excuse me father but did you just say that I have an arranged marriage with a man I've never met. I'm sorry but I don't think I'll be marrying prince Subaru." Princess Yume answered her father trying to keep her composure.
"I'm sorry honey, but your father and prince Subaru's father already signed the contract and from now on you and prince Subaru will be living in prince Subaru's castle in the same room until the marriage which is in 2 months, that will give you some time to get to know each other." Yume's mother told Yume.
"Wh-wh-what. No please mother." Yume said as she was on the edge of crying. And then she ran out of the room.
"Maybe i should follow her." Prince Subaru said.
Prince Subaru then ran behind her to the garden where she was resting her back on the tree trunk and crying.
"Hey." Was all prince Subaru managed to say.
"What do you want." She replied.
"Look it's not like I'm happy about it, okay but why don't we give each other a chance?" He asked her.
"That isn't the main problem." She replied lifting her head towards him.
"Then what is it." He asked.
"Boys are super dense. You guys don't know anything about girls, like how much they want to experience their first date or how much each girl is being patient waiting for that guy she loves to propose to her. Those moments are unforgettable for a girl." She replies wiping the tears and standing up to face him.
"Then let me ask you this if it will make you fell better about having a proposal." He said as he bowed on one knee.
"Will you marry me?" He asked.
"Ugh." She said as she stormed off.
"Well that is one interesting girl or should I say fiancée." He said as helped himself stand up.
"CUT!" The director said
"That was amazing both of you, but maybe you guys should spend more time together. So tomorrow we won't shoot but instead I want you 2 to spend the day together because it will help your acting." He said.
"Sure I'm free tomorrow are you?" Yume said.
"Ya, I don't have any work." Subaru answered.
"Good then let's meet at the school gates tomorrow at 11:00AM, is the time good?" Yume asked.
"Ya it's okay, but make sure not to be late, I know girls take a long time to get ready." He teased.
"No we don't, and I'll show you tomorrow." She said angrily and her face turned red.
"Hahaha, tomato." He teased again
"Shut up." She replied storming a away.
"Hey do you have a car to take you back to school." Subaru shouted.
She turned around, "No, I'll be walking." She answered me.
"Do you want me to give you a ride?" He asked.
"Yes." She said.
When they got into the car Yume's phone rang.
Subaru's POV
"Hi, how have you been I haven't seen you in a week or so. I miss you so much."Yume said on the phone.
But I couldn't hear what that person she was talking to was saying.
"No I'm good. Look, I really want to see you, so when does your schedule clear up." She said.
I don't know but I had this bitter feeling inside of me, but I didn't know what it was.
"Ya this time is perfect, I'll see you then. Keep up the good work. Bye. Love you too."
When she said those words my heart hurt so much. It was like a knife went through my heart. Why was I feeling this way? Even-though I knew that I might have some feelings for her and I kept denying them. Did I just experience jealousy?
"Subaru-senpai, thank you for the ride, good night." I heard Yume-Chan say.
"Oh ok goodnight." I said.
As she was getting out of the car something inside me made me feel want to stop her.
"Wait!" I said.
She turned her head to face me.
"Yes Subaru-senpai." She replied.
Out of nowhere I felt my hand reaching her arm and pulling her closer to me and I was SO surprised when I felt something soft and warm on my lips.

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