//1 - "It'll be ok"//

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     "Jin! You're on in 15, you better be ready!"

     I sigh heavily as I set down my eyeshadow brush on the shared vanity, biting my lips as I stare at my reflection. I hate this job, if it even counts as one. I hate the customers and I especially hate my pervert of a boss. He constantly crosses so many boundaries with his workers and unfortunately for me, I am his main target most of the time. He belittles all of us on a daily basis, abuses us emotionally and even sexually at times, as if we aren't making him money or giving his stupid club popularity. But what can we do? For some of us, this is our only way of living and that's the sad truth. We just have to come to terms and deal with it.

In my case however, I am doing this for my mom. I mean, I would do anything for her if it meant she could get the medical attention she needs. She just doesn't have a clue of what I do to get the bills paid and food on the table.

It would be a lot easier if my father was still here though because then, not all of the responsibilities would be piled up on me. Sure, I would've still gotten a job to help out, but my education would've remained a priority alongside my mom. In my opinion, college was my ticket to getting a better job and to provide more money for my family, a job that I would truly enjoy.

Ever since we found out about my mom's illness a couple months back, my father completely shut down. Instead of comforting or conversing with his wife to lift her spirits, he would stay away from her, repeating over and over "I can't deal with this" and running away.

This continued for a few weeks and during those weeks, I was the one to keep track of her medicine intake, of making sure she was neither hot nor cold, that her temperature was at the average. I fed her, clothed and bathed her when she couldn't do so by herself while he just distanced himself from the both of us. And despite her physical state, it was her emotional state that took the bigger hit once we found all of his stuff gone the next morning. He had left us while we slept, he left us behind to struggle.

After that, I immediately dropped out in order to get a full time job and take care of her, despite my mother's pleas. But how else would I keep us afloat?

In the beginning, we had a nurse who would care for her during the day while I worked as a waiter at a restaurant downtown. It was the only place hiring at the time, but the pay was terrible. Sure I got good tips, but I preferred to believe that it was because of my work ethic and not my looks. Soon after however, as I had expected, the restaurant got shut down due to sanitary issues. I was so glad to be honest, that place deserved it, but where was I to go work next?

I stayed at home after that, looking for work as much as I could while making sure she had everything she needed. We let the nurse go as well since we just couldn't pay for services anymore.

One day, I was sitting at the dining table on the verge of ripping my hair out when my phone rang, it was my dad. The coward had finally decided to call, but instead of apologizing or saying that he was coming back, he said he was going to file for a divorce. He said he would send money to help, but he just physically didn't want to be in the picture anymore.

I was afraid to tell her, but when I did, she was silent. I was feeding her dinner and after she was done, that's when I decided to tell her about the call. I could see tears in her eyes, but she refused to let them fall. All she said to me was that we didn't need his help and she forbid me from taking money from him. But when times became more difficult, I had no choice. I would take and cash the checks behind her back.

Fast forward a few more weeks and I found myself walking around the sleazy parts of the city. I was tired of getting rejected by so many workplaces, I became so desperate to the point where I was ready to sell my body for money. Luckily, it didn't come down to that, but it was close.

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