//22 - "He let us go"//

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     Yoongi sits gloomily on the piano bench with a glass of whiskey in one hand and the other effortlessly playing a soft unknown melody. He doesn't go out to bars or clubs anymore like he used to, but that doesn't mean he's stopped drinking a lot. It's just that now, he does it in the comfort of his own home where he's hidden away from judgmental eyes.

He doesn't interact with Hoseok, Namjoon, or Hongseok very much, he doesn't even assign them chores anymore, but they still do them anyway in attempts to at least keep something in order. They cook for him healthy meals and Hongseok is the one to take them to him only to bring them back untouched. Whenever he's in a slightly better mood, he nibbles on the food a bit, but it still isn't enough. Eventually though, he sets them free and lets them go, along with money to support themselves, but surprisingly, Hongseok still comes over to check up on him.

Other than his bedroom, he spends most of his solitude in a small music room where he has his childhood grand piano set up. It's been there ever since he moved into the house, but because of how busy he was, trying to run a huge company and all, he barely visited the loyal instrument. He's barely gone to work the past week however so of course he has a lot of free time on his hands.

     As he continues playing the keys, he thinks of Jin and how he would like to share this with him if he ever comes back. This piano is so special to him, it's always been there whenever he felt so alone. It was there during his first true heartbreak and it's there for him now. Internally though, he just wishes that there'd be more happy memories attached to the instrument than negative. Somehow, those memories managed to outshine the better ones.

     He gulps down the rest of the liquor, grimacing at the harsh, bitter taste, and throws the glass across the room, not caring about the shards scattering haphazardly on the floor. He situates himself better on the seat and cracks his knuckles before playing a full song on the spot. Like Jungkook, he wished to actually be in the music business, making music instead of managing it, but he's stuck in the highest position of the company and even then, he can't do anything about it. He still tries to compose behind the scenes, having a few songs stowed away in his room.

The melancholic tune resonates throughout the cold room and soon enough, he begins to cry softly, thinking of Jin and Jin only. He's so confused on how easily he got him under his clutches. It had been three full months before he even started to remotely like his first love and it took him way less time to fall for Jin. Something about him made him feel some sort of way, even though it took him a while to realize and fully accept it.

He had pushed it away, not wanting to deal with those emotions ever again and he thought 'what better way than to hurt him instead'. It doesn't make any sense how that could even work, then and now, but he refused to let himself become weak again. His mind was muddled, he couldn't think straight at all. And now it's completely his fault that Jin is nowhere by his side anymore. He's a complete and utter idiot.


Jin stirs awake, wanting to stretch and crack his back, but he's restrained from doing so. He softly grunts as he looks up and he smiles when he's met with Jungkook's face, his soft breathes and snores being the only sounds in the room. Another thing he notices is that Jungkook is fucking shirtless, having gotten so hot in the middle of the night that he unconsciously ripped it off to avoid discomfort. As much as he is flustered, he begins to study Jungkook silently.

     He's now noticing all the little marks that he has on his face, from the tiny scar that is on his upper cheek to the cute little birthmark under his full bottom lip. His eyes trail down to his sharp jawline and prominent collarbone and eventually to his chest and abs. What a man he is, he thinks to himself.

After that night when he got the news of his mom, they've gotten closer.

Whenever Jin would randomly break down, sure Jimin was there to help as well as Taehyung, but ever since Jungkook took him in to his apartment after the coast was clear, it was always Jungkook who quickly soothed and calmed him down. He does think of Yoongi once in a while though, but he's quickly forgotten whenever Jungkook shows up. He still worries about the other three men though.

So does he like Jungkook? He's never had much of a love life before so he wouldn't really know what love feels like. Yes he's had crushes before, but it's not the same with Jungkook. It feels like it's something more, but he doesn't know.

In short, they're not really an item or anything, but they flirted quite a lot.

Before Jungkook wakes up, he slides out of bed and stumbles towards the bathroom. He washes his face thoroughly and pats his face dry, staring at his reflection attentively as he rests his hands on the counter. He stays like that for a bit before walking out and heading towards the kitchen, wondering to himself what he'll cook for breakfast. Once he figures out what he wants, he gathers up the ingredients and begins to cook.

The smell of food wakes Jungkook up and he smiles to himself, remembering a certain dream he had and how identical the situation is, minus the kids and the house. He gets out of bed, opting to stay shirtless and puts his slippers on before heading towards the origin of the amazing smell. He quietly walks up to Jin, watching as he stirs something on the stove with his arms crossed on his chest. Jin turns to fetch the plates and he jumps when he sees Jungkook, not expecting him to be up already.

Jungkook chuckles. "Sorry for startling you, Jinnie."

Jin smiles. "S'ok Kookie. I made your favorite since you mentioned not having it in a while," he gets on his tippy toes trying to reach two plates. After much debate on how to go about it, Jungkook saunters up behind him and helps reach for the plates, his left hand on Jin's waist. From the corner of his eye, he can see Jin blushing with a small smile on his face. He sets them down on the counter and turns his head, grinning at him. "There ya go."

They stare into each other's eyes and shortly after, a loud knock scares them. Jin gulps, afraid that it could be Yoongi and Jungkook cups his face.

"Stay here ok?"

Jin nods, pouting his lips, and Jungkook cautiously walks to the door, looking through the peephole. He sighs in relief when he sees Hoseok, Namjoon, and Hongseok, but then questions how the hell they're at his door in the first place.

He opens the door and greets them, letting them walk in before voicing his concern.

"How? Not that you guys aren't welcome or anything, but what the hell? Does Yoongi know you're here?"

He leads them to his couch, all three sitting next to each other. Jin carefully peaks from the kitchen door frame and his eyes widen when he sees the older men dressed casually on the sofa. He hurries over to them.

"Is everything ok? How did you guys escape from there?"

Namjoon looks up at him and smiles, seeing that Jin looks much healthier now. He answers him, "he let us go."

Jin and Jungkook stare in confusion from the loveseat. Yoongi let them go?

"I know it sounds crazy, but he hasn't been in the best condition lately," Hongseok says, the other two nodding. "He wouldn't talk to us or make us do anything. He just locked himself in his bedroom or the music room."

"He doesn't eat much either. All he does is drink, all day and all night until he passes out," Hoseok adds, looking sad.

Jin bites on his lip and looks down at his lap, picking at his fingernails. Is it because of him that Yoongi is this way? He's not very fond of him, but never has he wished the worst upon him and now it sounds like he's letting himself slowly rot away.

Jungkook didn't want anything bad to happen to Yoongi either, he's his brother after all. He just didn't realize how much Jin apparently means to him. However, he wants to be selfish for once and even though he's set his mind on helping Yoongi get better, he refuses to let him have Jin.

It's been a while since I wrote like this. I was on a bit of roll here, frankly I'm proud of myself. And I also figured you all deserve a quick update

>>Zesty Sauce

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