//23 - "I want to stay"//

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Jungkook heads to work early so he can finish up on time, deciding to go check up on Yoongi once he's done. He softly pecks Jin's forehead before leaving, not noticing that Jin is already fully awake.

Once the coast is clear and he knows Jungkook has fully left the place, he gets up and goes to take a shower before calling Hongseok on the house phone to let him know he's ready. He hates the idea of lying to Jungkook and not letting him know beforehand, but he's certain that he wouldn't let him go see Yoongi by himself. He wouldn't risk it.

However, he feels that it's for the best since he can't help but feel a little guilty about the whole thing. He knows it isn't completely his fault, but he also doesn't want to not do anything about it and leave things the way they are either. He can't deny he isn't a tiny bit scared though because anything can happen while he's over there.

He slips on his heavy jacket and heads out, standing by the lobby doors waiting for the elder and once he arrives outside, they're finally on their way.

Hongseok looks over at Jin, who is fidgeting in his seat already. "You sure you want to do this Jinnie? I can go in with you," he offers.

Jin shakes his head. "It's ok, I can do it. It's better if I go alone anyway."

Hongseok sighs since he knows he can't change Jin's mind and he silently drives the rest of the way there. The streets aren't very slick as it hasn't snowed or iced very much, surprisingly. But the low temperatures are definitely unbearable, even with a heavy coat on.

He pulls up onto the driveway and sets the car in park, not turning it off. Jin starts unbuckling his seatbelt and looks at Hongseok one last time before getting out, walking towards the front door.

His heart is beating furiously, his hands shaking due to nerves, but he knocks anyway, knowing very well that he can't back out now. He's already here.

Hongseok is still parked nearby in case Jin changes his mind and wants to leave, but what he doesn't expect is Jin signaling to him that he can go. He figures that Jin is either a very brave individual or just plain dumb, but he listens to him anyway and slowly starts to drive away, not wanting to leave him alone just yet. But Jin doesn't do anything, instead he just stares at him expectantly as if telling him to just go already.

Once he does, Jin turns back to the door once again and knocks louder, but as expected, no one answers. He figures he's going to have to be the one to make the first move so he turns the knob slowly and pokes his head inside.

He shuts the door behind him before shouting out his name, shivering even more than he did outside. The house is still as cold as ever and despite it being winter, he never turned the AC off.

Meanwhile, Yoongi is on his mattress, slipping in and out of sleep. When he hears his name being called from downstairs by a familiar voice, he's questioning to himself whether if it's real or if the sleep medication he took hours before is messing with him. But when he hears the voice again, this time loud and clear, he knows for sure that it's his Jin calling for him. But why?

Jin walks towards Yoongi's room, unconsciously wincing as he remembers all the times he had to go down this hall and the reasons why. But he pushes through and knocks quietly on his door, deeply sighing before twisting the knob and peeking in.

The first thing he notices is the smell that's lingering within the confines of the bedroom. On the floor, there are plenty of liquor bottles scattered about, the quantity is honestly enough to stock a whole shelf at a liquor store. He sees piles of dirty clothes lying around and finally on the bed, Yoongi is laying on his back, an empty bottle a few inches away from his fingers.

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