//10 - "Um, who are you?"//

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The door shuts behind me with a loud bang, leaving me on the other side of the door with a heavy heart. I hastily slip my bathrobe back on as I try to hold back hot tears. I'm such a fucking idiot.

I limp down the hall without a clue on where to go, hoping to find Hongseok on my way, but instead I bump into someone else. I stop in my tracks and so does he and we stare at each other until he decides to break the awkward silence.

"Um, w-who are you?"

"I'm Jin, I'm Yoongi's, uh," I start to say but I can't bring myself to completely refer to myself as Yoongi's pet. It's still all new to me. He catches on to what I mean however and nods quietly.

"I suppose you're looking for our room then," he whispers, already signaling me to follow him. I do so since he knows this house better than I do obviously and I don't want to wander around too much. I'm too tired and I just want to curl up and sleep right now.

"My name is Namjoon by the way. You'll meet Hoseok in a few," he says and I hum in response as we sneak down the halls. I don't really say anything else and just follow him until we're outside a white door. He slowly turns the knob and lets me walk in first with a small smile. Once we're both inside, another male, Hoseok I'm assuming, emerges from the bathroom, looking stumped as he probably didn't expect some other guy to be here. I didn't expect myself to be in this situation either, trust me.

"Who's this?" He asks softly as he slips into his bed in only his boxers. I just quietly stand there while Namjoon approaches him and slides into bed next to him.

"This is Jin. He's new. I just found him out in the hall just now."

They both look at me curiously and I feel like an amoeba under a microscope. I uncomfortably shift in my spot, my eyes wandering around the room.

"So, where do I sleep?"

Namjoon smacks his forehead. "Right, I'm sorry. Your bed is right over there in the corner."

I look over to where he's pointing and there sits a bed with pure white sheets and fluffy pillows. Just wow. I turn back around to say thank you and goodnight, but it seems that they just nodded off the minute they got comfortable. Understandable really, I feel like I'll be the same way too in a little bit.

I tiptoe towards the bed and decide to sleep in my bathrobe. Not like I really have another choice and I'd rather not sleep completely naked. I slide under the sheets and the second my head hits the pillow, I'm knocked out.


"I'm almost done Jinnie, just a bit longer," Namjoon says to calm the trembling boy down as he cleans his wounds. Jin bites his lip hard and hisses when the rubbing alcohol dribbles down the rest of his open cuts like a tiny river, some of his blood mixing in with the liquid. Hoseok is kneeling in front of him, rubbing the young boy's knuckles with a worried expression.

"He really showed no mercy," Hoseok croaks weakly as he scans over the collection of bruises and cuts that litter Jin's body.

The next morning after their first meeting, they all had a proper talk. They introduced themselves, providing names and ages and who they were before being involved in the 'business'. Namjoon is 23 while Hoseok is 22, making Jin the youngest in the house.

Apparently, Namjoon has been with Yoongi the longest, having only been 19 when he arrived a few years back. Jin was beyond surprised, more so on the amount of time Namjoon's been there over his age, because after all, he himself is not much older from 19. He also learned that after Hoseok arrived, they became each other's emotional support and also nurses whenever Hongseok was unable to tend to them. They know exactly how Jin feels and they promised him that he could rely on them and go to them whenever he needed to. If they were going to survive through this, they were going to do it together.

The first couple of days were not as bad, Yoongi didn't even touch him once since his first night. He was later told by Hongseok that they were to help around the house whenever they were not attending Yoongi and that they have a curfew as well as many other rules. Some of them are far fetched and rather unreasonable, but who's Jin to complain and rebel against this man? They have no say, they have to abide by his rules and they have to obey every single order or command given to them. Otherwise, they would be severely punished.

Tonight however, Yoongi arrived home angry and rather violent from work after days of 'peace'. Jin managed to bond more with Hongseok lately and the four of them were in the kitchen, doing some last minute cleaning while conversing as if they were old friends when Yoongi busted through the front door. He slammed it loudly, making all four of them flinch at the sound of the door and they heard his heavy footsteps coming closer to the kitchen.

"You. Come with me. Now," he growled as he grabbed Jin by his hair since he was closest to the hot-headed man. He was dragged up the stairs while being insulted. He was cursed at, called horrible names, and was overall belittled by him as he struggled to keep up.

Jin was whipped mercilessly by Yoongi for no reason disclosed. He was chained to the bed and had curled into himself, crying into his knees as Yoongi brought the hard leather onto his skin multiple times without pause, completely ignoring his cries for him to stop.

Downstairs, Hoseok couldn't help but start sobbing for the younger as he heard his screams, becoming the usual emotional wreck when it came to these types of things. The other two comforted him as he cried, although knowing full well that Jin would be the one who needed it the most the second he was let go.

Two hours passed before Hongseok heard a door open upstairs and a weak whimper from Jin as he hit the floor outside the Black Room. He sent Namjoon to take Hoseok to their room an hour back, giving him water to give to Hoseok the minute he calmed down. He also handed Namjoon the first aid kit so they could have it handy for when he brought Jin to their room for cleanup. Which brings us to where they are now.

Namjoon places the last of the bandages on his back after applying some soothing cream to keep infections away and helps him lay down on his mattress. His back is off limits until he heals so his side and front will have to do for the meantime. Hoseok extends a soft warm blanket over him as Jin starts to shiver from the cold air, the AC still at full blast.

"He shouldn't be going through this Joonie," Hoseok whispers as he sits on the edge of the bed while running his slender fingers through Jin's tousled hair. He's going to have to take another bath soon.

"No one deserves to go through this Hobi. We don't deserve to go through this. But sadly, we were unlucky. We need a miracle if we ever want to escape."

A single tear rolls down Hoseok's cheek and Namjoon can't help but purse his lips sympathetically, rubbing Hoseok's back and kissing the top of his head sweetly.

"One day we'll get out of here. And we will live out the life we have always talked about. Jin too. Just be patient, darling."

"I don't even know anymore Joonie. You've been saying the same thing for two years now."

Namjoon sighs in defeat. Of course he's already aware of the false hopes he's been giving his lover. He's been convincing Hoseok all this time to keep faith, to daydream and escape their reality even for just a little bit. But after a while, he's even failed to convince himself. He tries to stay strong for Hoseok and now he will try to stay strong for Jin as well.

No matter how pathetic and fruitless his actions seem.

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