//35 - "I love you"//

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     "I don't know if—"

"Babe, you don't understand, just look at him!"

A small brown puppy stares up at the couple curiously, wagging its little tail excitedly with his tongue out, hopping around their legs happily.

     Yoongi and Jin were on their way to the car after closing up the café when they stumbled upon a box on the sidewalk further up the street. Whoever had left it there earlier was giving away free puppies and the poor little pup was the last one behind, left to fend for itself.

     "Not to mention it's cold as fuck. We can't just leave him out here," Yoongi argues, kneeling down next to the pup as he pets his soft fur. Jin doesn't necessarily want to leave the dog either as Yoongi does have a point, but he also knows that dogs are a bit of a hassle, despite never having one. He's only ever heard things from Jimin.

     He smiles softly as he looks down at his boyfriend who's now cooing at the canine, baby talking to it and receiving tiny barks in return. "Ok. Let's take him."

     Yoongi immediately picks him up and wraps him up with his jacket before walking over to Jin's side, kissing him deeply. "Thank you baby. I love you."

     Jin smiles and ushers him towards their car as the wind starts to pick up. "I love you too."

Yoongi and Jin had grown closer after their little moment in his office and a few days after New Year's, they decided to finally make it official. However, they agreed to keep it a secret only until Yoongi felt ready enough to make it public to their friends. Jin was patient during those few days, understanding Yoongi's worries and insecurities about commitment.

     They had all went out for dinner instead of going to Yoongi's house and that's when they announced their relationship. Understandably, the only person who didn't attend was Jungkook as he didn't feel comfortable around the two after what had happened. Of course, the others were happy that the two became an item, especially Jimin. They could all tell that Jin was the best for him.

Interactions with Jungkook were a bit awkward for Yoongi once he returned to work to say the least. He rarely had a conversation with him and he would quickly flee from his office once they were done discussing business affairs. He didn't know what to do or how to go about things and it made him sad that his relationship with his brother was still as bad as ever. He really wished their situation could've ended differently, but despite this, he doesn't regret going after Jin.

     It only grew worse the day Jungkook heard from Taehyung about their status. They were in the studio working on his new song when he casually mentioned it and as much as he tried to hold back and conceal his emotions, Jungkook had left work early with a solemn expression, teary eyed. That was a couple of weeks ago.

Yoongi had gone home that day, tired and upset, but when he saw Jin gleefully cooking and baking in the kitchen while singing, a smile appeared on his face and he instantly got an idea. He didn't want to keep Jin cooped up at home all day anymore, he wanted Jin to feel like he has freedom and to know that he does. He of course ran it by him first since he believed it required both of their input and after much thought, Jin grew fond of the idea of having his own café.

     Sure, he doesn't have actual culinary training, but he definitely has skills in the kitchen and he obviously couldn't do it by himself so he asked Jimin, Namjoon, Hoseok, and Hongseok for help.

     Jimin, now being four months pregnant, was put in charge of the register and taking orders. He argued that he can do more than be a cashier, but it was Taehyung who insisted that he'd keep that position. Jimin got annoyed once he found that out and the petty boy refused to give Taehyung any ass for the next few days.

     Hoseok and Hongseok help Jin prepare the food and drinks while Namjoon just monitors. It's not that they don't trust him around the kitchen, but they can't help but want to be on the safe side. Luckily, he didn't take this to heart and was happy to just be around his friends and boyfriend.

     Something else that happened was that Jin ended up helping his friend Jongho finally leave the strip club. There was a new boy group that were planning on debuting in a year, but after one of their trainees had an accident and wasn't able to perform any of their choreographies, they were in desperate need of a new member. They wanted to debut the rookies as an eight member group.

     When Yoongi came home super late one night, Jin confronted him about it. He complained that he had to help find some trainees and then explained the whole situation to him. Jin wanted to help him out and he remembered Jongho from the Black Diamond. He remembered how good of a singer he was, not to mention how great he was at dancing as well.

     He brought it up to Yoongi, but because of where Jongho was working, they decided to keep that confidential from the media and between themselves. So when Jongho cried and thanked him for the opportunity, needless to say, Jin cried too.

     Jin cradles the puppy in his arms as Yoongi drives them home and as he shifts the car into park once in their driveway, they notice that the dog is all snuggled up on his lap, his soft breaths audible now that the car isn't running anymore.

     Yoongi makes grabby hands at Jin and he cheekily rolls his eyes as he hands over the pup, absolutely loving this side of Yoongi. They hurry inside the warm house and the elder immediately goes upstairs after haphazardly slipping off his shoes.

     "Jinnie baby, do we have any leftovers?" He hears Yoongi shout from their bedroom and he saunters into the kitchen, now searching through the fridge.

     "Um, we have some chinese!"
     "That'll do!"
     "You are not feeding him that!"

     He doesn't receive a response back and he sighs as he heads up to the room. He opens the door and puts his hands on his hips, watching as Yoongi ties one of his bandanas around the neck of a very awake and very energetic dog.

He looks up at him from the floor, his legs crossed. "Where's the food?"

"We are not feeding him chinese."

"Well we don't have dog food and we can't buy any right now, the pet shop is closed."

"Then lets just ask Taehyung if we can have some for tonight. He has a dog remember?"

Yoongi stares up at him blankly and the dog glances back and forth at the two men. Giggling, Jin shakes his head and kneels down next to him, petting the dog.

"So what are we gonna name him?"

Yoongi peers down and smiles, ruffling the soft fur. "I was thinking Holly."

"Holly?" Jin smiles. "I love it."

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