//Bonus #2//

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This is back when Jeong-in was just two years old. Sorry for the timeline being out of order

     "Oh god, oh god, oh god!" Yoongi panics as the sippy cup blows up in flames in the microwave, the light inside flashing sporadically. He totally forgot about it and left it in there for too long as he was googling 'how to properly take care of a tiny human', and now, the house is about to be burned down. Why does his son love warm strawberry milk so much? Also, companies need to make microwave safe sippy cups. (I'm pretty sure they do but whatever)

     He continues to scream the whole time he uses salad tongs to get the melting cup out of the microwave and he yeets it outside along with the tongs. He hears the smoke detectors in the kitchen go off and he quickly runs back in with his hands tangled in his hair, making sure his son is safe and away from the area before taking care of the problem.

     This is the first time he's left home alone with his two-year-old since he's always at work. Things have been more hectic at the company since they're accepting more and more trainees because of the label's amazing reputation. Artists can be and express themselves without a very strict contract unlike other entertainment companies.

     Jungkook insisted, more like demanded, that he stay at home to be with his family more often and that the company can wait. After all, they're both in charge so if one can't be there, the other takes over.

     Their relationship has gotten a lot better since the whole Jin thing, Jungkook's new girlfriend Lia compliments him so much better. She's super sweet and seems to love Jungkook just as much as he does her. They're honestly the perfect match.

     Yoongi appreciates his concern and all for his family and despite also claiming multiple times that he's scared—more so for his son than himself—they all insist that everything will be fine. Jin has a short shift today so he shouldn't be long. Hopefully.

     He fans the smoke out through the open slide doors and windows with a cloth. He turns on all of the ceiling fans before fetching his son and walking outside to the garden to get some fresh air.

As he plops down on the ground with his son on his lap, he notices him staring up at him wide eyed. He sighs.

"I'm sorry jellybean. I know that was your favorite cup."

He furrows his eyebrows and makes grabby hands at him, his chubby cheeks seemingly bigger because of his pout. Yoongi leans down and Jeong-in grabs ahold of his face, playing with his cheeks.

"How about some apple juice? It's much easier," he suggests and the toddler smiles big and pulls on his cheeks as if saying it's ok. He boops his nose and slowly gets up, eyeing the house cautiously. It's mostly clear of smoke now so it won't really bother Jeong-in very much.

They walk inside and he sits him down in his chair, reaching into the cabinets for another cup. He pulls his phone out of his pocket and starts to text Jin.

Yoonie💜: Hey baby, how much longer before your shift ends?

Baby boy💦: I'm planning on staying another hour. Why?

Yoonie💜: You mind buying another WeBareBears sippy cup on your way back home?

Baby boy💦: Don't we have one? I mean, I'll still get it but I know we already have one. Is everything alright?

Yoonie💜: 😶

He sets his phone down and carefully pours the apple juice into another sippy cup, mentally patting himself on the back when he doesn't cause a major spillage.

"Gummy," Jeong-in says softly, bouncing in his seat as he points at the box on the counter. He grabs two small packets, one for Jeong-in and one for himself, before going to pick him up. He sits him on his hip, holding the sippy cup in his free hand while holding the packets with his teeth, and carries him out to the living room.

He turns on the tv and quickly changes the channel before the child can see what it was. He totally forgot he left it on that channel last night.

As he flips through, he asks Jeong-in what he wants to watch. They end up going on Disney+ to watch a movie.

They're about 20 minutes into the second movie when Jin barges into the house with a single grocery bag in his hand, looking around to see everything in order. He sighs in relief as he sees his two loves sitting in the living room watching 'Peter Pan'.

"Papa!" Jeong-in exclaims and carefully slides off Yoongi's lap, stumbling towards him excitedly. They both smile and Jin lifts him up after setting the bag down, blowing raspberries on his cheeks.

"Hi jellybean," Seokjin coos and walks towards Yoongi to peck his lips. He then looks over at Jeong-in. "Anything happen while I was gone, peanut?"

"Boom!" He says, demonstrating with his tiny arms what had happened to the microwave. Yoongi clearly understands what he means and he internally panics, hoping Jin doesn't think much of it. After all, their kid could be on crack and just be saying random shit. Jin looks over at Yoongi, confused as he can tell that he's gotten very nervous.

     "Yoonie, what does he mean by that?"
     "Kids these days, saying some crazy shit."
     "All I'm saying is, we need a new microwave."

     Jin stays silent and just stares at him, waiting for him to say sike. When he doesn't, he walks to the kitchen with Jeong-in and when Yoongi hears his loud gasp, he closes his eyes.

     He's so in for it.

That's it, the last update for this book. It's not very long but I just felt like writing something quick and light hearted

Once again, thank you all so much for reading. It honestly makes me super happy and it motivates me to keep writing. I'm really harsh and critical about my writing so some reassurance is very helpful



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