Tim X Connor

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"Connor," I yelled from the steps of our new house. He was bringing boxes into the house.

"Yes?" He looked up at me over boxes. He set them on the ground and walked over to me.

"I want to help," Connor chuckled and kissed my forehead.

"Tim, your pregnant not only that, your over due. Just chill. I'll get everything unpacked," I frowned and watched as Connor got up from the stairs. He wasn't wrong. I was. That was the entire reason we moved, our old apartment was way too small.

"Connor, at least give me a box a baby stuff to put away. You can carry it up to the room if you want,"  Connor nodded and picked up a box. He carried it past me up the stairs. I got up and followed. Connor had already set up the crib, the dresser, the changing table and already got the rocker into the nursery.

"Ok, Tim be careful," I rolled my eyes as Connor left the room. He was so overprotective. For example, a few weeks ago it was my family's Christmas get together. And when I say family I mean Bruce, Dick, Damian, Jason, all of them. Anyway. While we were there Connor wouldn't let me out of his sight. When we were sitting on the couch he had an arm around me. It was kinda cute, but also kind of angering.

I worked on putting away different things. Things from Toys to diapers. Everything was gray, Black, Or red. We had already found out that we were having a boy. When I finally got everything put away I smiled. I got up with some struggle and walked down the stairs. The living room has the couch in and the two recliners other than that just boxes.

"Tim, I gotta go, I'll be back in a few hours," I heard shifted around in the other room.

"Ok, be careful and have your phone on," I heard a Yeah then the door opening. I sat down and frowned. It was mid morning and there was nothing to do. So I laid down on the couch. I fell asleep within seconds.

When I dreamt I kept having dreams where I'd see Connor then he'd disappear or he'd leave.  When I woke up I couldn't move. Pain controlled my entire body. I forced myself to sit up. I rubbed my stomach trying to sooth it. I grabbed my phone and dialed Connor. He picked up on the first ring.

"Tim?" I frowned and felt more pain. I gasped when it got way more intense.

"C-C-Con," I cried into the phone.

"Tim! Are you ok?! Oh god! I'm coming!" With that the phone went dead. I was alone for a while. Then I tried to call for an ambulance. When I tried to dial through it wouldn't go through. I frowned and leaned back on the couch. When I felt ice settle at the bottom of my stomach and felt a gush of water I knew I was screwed. Connor wasn't going to make it. I shifted and slid off the couch. I felt pressure build up and groaned as I started to push. It didn't take long after that. Within twenty minutes I had a screaming baby in my arms. I heard the door slam open then slam shut. Connor came running in.

"Tim!" He looked right past the living room. When he looked in and saw me he ran to me. He knelt beside me and looked down at the baby.

"H-He's here," I smiled weakly up at Connor. He nodded and wipe my forehead of sweat. Connor got me and the baby cleaned up and into bed.

"Shane is calm," I nodded and looked at the baby. We chose Shane Alec Kent for our son's name. Shane looked a lot like Connor, which I had no problem with.

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