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"Sam! I have an appointment today don't forget!" I shouted from the living room as Sam got dressed in our room. I rubbed my eight and a half month pregnant stomach and sighed.

"Babe. I can't take you, Steve is coming by to do that..... remember?" I thought and remembered sighing.

"Yeah...I" Sam laughed softly and came out kissing my head.

"Love You buck....remember wear a jacket. It's snowing. Tell Steve to be careful because the roads will be slick...." I nodded and smiled watching him leave. I sighed and stood up going to the kitchen. I got some food eating happily. The baby kicked and shifted causing me to smile.

"Bucky?" There was a knock at the door. I sighed and stood up putting the apples and peanut butter away. I went to the door and opened it. Steve smiled and hugged me.

"How my nieces or nephew?" He set down a bag and smiled. I shook my head and laughed.

"They are feisty already..." I smiled and rubbed my stomach. I grabbed my coat and zipped it up leaving with Steve. Steve followed and got into his truck shaking his head of snow first. When I was in and buckled I smiled. He pulled out of the drive way and we started driving towards the hospital. Steve frowned and before I knew it the car was sliding towards a tree. We hit the tree, on my side of the car, harshly. Everything was jerked to the side. I hit my head against the window and the side of my body on the door. Steve had gotten hurt a bit but didn't show it as he got out and called for help.

"S-Steve..." I looked at him as I felt a wetness between my legs.

"What's wrong Bucky?"

"My water just broke...." I looked at him shaking. He frowned and called 9-1-1 worried. He ran to my side trying to open the door. I gripped my jacket that rested over my stomach. Though I a think winter jacket, I was shivering. It didn't take long for the paramedics to get here. They pulled me out through Steve's door being worried about the baby. I cringed feeling the baby drop down a bit. I gripped the closets thing to me, which was Steve's arm. I got loaded into the ambulance. Steve got in beside me frowning. I gripped his arm and panted. 

"Mister barns..." I glanced at the paramedic who'd said my name. I frowned and gripped Steve's arm tight as I felt the baby shift down even more.

"You need to push now" the paramedic said. I nodded weakly and did as I was told. I pushed grunting. I panted and groaned as i felt the baby slowly got out. I panted as the ambulance turned. I gripped Steve's arm and pushed again. The paramedic pushed down on my stomach helping a bit. I felt the baby slowly slide out. The paramedic cut the cord and smiled.

"Good job... your baby's's a little boy" the paramedic said and cleaned him up the best he could. He laid the baby on my chest and I grinned weakly.

"Hey Little Guy...." I smiled down at my son. The ambulance got to the hospital and I was taken to a room. The doctor checked my son and then me. Steve had gotten a hold of Sam. Sam got there after about an hour. He ran in and saw me with our son. He came over smiling softly.

"I'm so sorry Buck...." he saw down beside me looking at our son. I smiled leaning against Sam. He rubbed our son's back.

"H-He's perfect......" I cooed at our baby. Sam smiled and nodded.

"Jason..." I smiled and kissed his head. Sam and I sat there watching our son amazed at him.

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