Sebriel and destiel part 2

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Request and the last part of these two.

Dean and I were pregnant at the same time. Dean had had his twins. I watched him suffer though his delivery and I was scared. I didn't want to struggle like dean had. I sorta regretted getting pregnant. Gabe has helped me when he brought home a new price of baby clothes everyday. He kept trying to cheer me up. I kept having anxiety attacks and panic attacks. Towards my last month I got hospitalized. My mom came by daily to make sure I was okay. I smiled and enjoyed the time with her. The day dean came in I got my first contraction. I was miserable and Gabe wasn't there. Dean walked in while I was having a contraction. He was holding his daughter, Cas had taken Their son to a doctors appointment.

"Sammy?" Dean went over to me frowning. I gripped the side of my hospital bed and glanced at him.

"Dean.... it hurts...." I said holding my stomach. Dean frowned and looked at me.

"Okay... I'll call Gabe and mom" he said leaving the room. I whimpered and curled up holding my stomach. I felt the baby shift down. I frowned and rubbed my stomach looking down. I was alone for ten, maybe fifteen minutes. The entire time I had one contraction that caused me to shift more.

"Sam?" Gabe's voice sounded in my ear. I looked up at him. He smiled softly and rubbed my back.

"Hey Sammy...." Gabe sat me up and rubbed my stomach. He frowned and held me against him.

"i think the baby wants out.... and it hurts Gabe...." I said looking up at Gabe. Gabe nodded and frowned. He kissed my forehead and rubbed my back.

"It'll be okay...we get to see our little baby girl...." Gabe smiled softly. I nodded and smiled weakly. My smile faded and I held my stomach. I frowned and looked down.

"Gabe they are about ten minutes apart...." I said as a contraction finished. Gabe nodded and helped me sit up. The doctor came in and we spoke for a few minutes. She said that we were doing good and all I had to do was stay calm. She gave me some medicine to help me sleep. So when I started getting drowsy Gabe got in bed beside me and hugged me. I fell asleep hugging Gabe. I felt myself wake up a few hours later frowning. Gabe was up just looking at me frowning. I frowned and looked down. I was sitting in liquid.

"Uhhh? G-Gabe?" I frowned and looked down. I looked back at him and shivered. He frowned and got the doctor. The doctor came in and saw the liquid. I frowned and laid my head back. The doctor checked something then looked up.

"Your ready to push.... and the baby is crowning..." the doctor said smiling softly. I frowned and looked down.

"But I don't feel any contractions....." I said slowly frowning. The doctor looked up the pushed a button on the wall behind me. A noise rang out and a few more doctors came in. The first doctor talked in a quite to the other doctors. They nodded and rushed out of the room. My doctor looked at me and smiled softly.

"Your going to have a C-section, it's easier of the baby and you. Plus it's much Put these on," she handed Gabe blue scrubs like things. Gabe put them on and frowned. When I was taken to the room Gabe followed. He sat beside my head held my hands as the doctors started working. The doctor ha spit up a curtain so I couldn't see. I waited not feeling anything.

"She's almost here Mister Winchester...." the doctor said softly. I smiled and looked at Gabe. He was watching the doctor frowning. The doctor turned away quickly and took the baby over to a bassinet. I frowned and watched. I didn't hear a cry and just watched scared. Gabe watched equally scared. When a loud cry rang out I smiled and watched. The doctor brought the baby over and set them on my chest. I held the baby and teared up.

"Now Mister Winchester, your daughter is actually your son....he had a slower heart beat than most male babies, but he is a male..." the doctor said smiling. I looked down at my son and smiled. When we got back to my room my mom, brother, and Cas were all sitting around the room. When they saw me they all jumped up.

"Is she okay?" My mom asked frowning.

"He's perfectly fine....our William is fine..." I said smiling. Gabe kisses my forehead and smiled down at our son.

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