Stucky- civilian au

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"Steve... not to be mean, but you've put on a few pounds..." Bucky said as we laid snuggling. I frowned and looked down at my stomach. It looked larger than normal. I frowned and put my hand over my stomach. It was firm and not like how it normally was.

"I-I have.... which is weird because of the throwing up I've been doing...." Bucky nodded and frowned. He kissed my cheek and sat up.

"We should go to the doctors.... just to be safe..." I frowned and nodded. For the rest of the day Bucky and of stayed in the house. When night came I felt weak and sick. I sighed and laid down as Bucky came and hugged me. He laid beside me and smiled. After that we fell asleep for the night. When I woke up Bucky was getting dressed and ready.

"C'mon Steve. We're going to the doctors" I nodded and got up. I grabbed my pants and paused. I felt bile rise in my throat and I ran to the bathroom. I threw up and cringed as my throat burned. Once I was done puking Bucky gave me my clothes and I got dressed. I frowned and looking down at my stomach. It's grown a bit more last night. It wasn't that noticeable, but I noticed. Bucky took my to the doctors, in the car nothing was said. When we got to the doctors we filled her in on what was going on. She told us that she had a suspicion, but wouldn't tell us what it was. She then said she was going to do an ultrasound. I was worried and I knew Bucky was too.

"Hmmm. Well Steve. I've found why you've had cramps, gained weight, and why you've been throwing up..." she turned the screen to me and Bucky.


"Steve, your pregnant" the doctor smiled at me. We both jumped when we heard a thud. I frowned and looked at Bucky laying on the floor. I laughed and smiled slightly looking down at my stomach. After that Bucky and I went home.

The next few months were prepping for the baby. Bucky was more excited about the baby then I was. When we found out it was a boy he was thrilled. The closer to my due date I got the more scared we got. The doctor said that I had a high risk pregnancy. When i didn't go into labor the doctor made me go into the hospital. I stayed in the hospital bed for three days. After I started getting my contractions everyone breathed easy. After a few hours the doctor was worried about my water not breaking. She told Bucky to help me walk with him.

"B-Bucky I n-need to sit" I looked at him and frowned. He frowned and sat me in the bed. I leaned over and frowned. I felt the thick ooze gush down my legs.

"Bucky get the doctor......" I said as he laid in the bed. Bucky ran out of the room and got the doctor running back in. He rubbed my hand and held it. The doctor started instructing me on what to do. I pushed and yelled out in pain as the baby slowly made its way out. When the doctor pulled him out he was silent. I was shaking and frowned. I looked at the doctor as she walked away holding the baby. A nurse cleaned me up and gave me some medicine for the pain that remained. Bucky and I were left in the room alone for what felt like hours. When the doctor came in holding the baby I sat up slowly and frowned. She handed me the baby and smiled.

"You did good Steve. Congrats" the doctor said leaving the room. I smiled weakly and looked down at the baby.

"He's so cute...." I smiled and looked up at Bucky. He smiled and kissed me. I smiled and kissed him back.

"Steve. Can we name him Kane?" I thought for a Minute then nodded smiling.

"Welcome to the world Kane" I smiled at my son and laid back holding him close.

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