Arrival (chapter 1)

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The tour busses finally all pulled up outside the venue, a relatively large outdoor stage. Arcadia sat quietly in her bus with the rest of her band, headphones resting on her ears as she listened to Duran Duran "Save A Prayer". She bobbed her head, mouthing the words to herself, really getting into the song. As the chorus played she jumped to her feet doing a little dance. If it wasn't for the headphones on her ears she would have heard the rest of her band giggling at her. They all thought it was kinda cute how she felt comfortable enough to dance in front of them despite only being in the band for half a year.

After her dance session the drummer, Jaycoby, rested a hand on her shoulder to get her attention. She slipped her headphones off and looked up at him with a smile.
"Wassap Jay?" She questioned, fiddling with her headphones, wrapping her finger around the chord.
"Well... this is your first time playing at a large venue," he starting in his deep yet smooth voice, "so I thought it may be a good idea for you to look around a bit. Get used to the size of the stage." She nodded still smiling.
"Yeah good idea, I'll get changed first then I'll go look around." She glanced down at her grey sweatpants and plain shirt, she'd rather be comfy than pretty while on the bus. Jaycoby gave a smile and took his hand way, returning to his boyfriend to chat.

Arcadia walked into her section of the bus, pulling her neon yellow hair up into pigtails as she did. Once there she stripped and changed into a pair of shorts, fishnets and socks, a cropped black jumper and black boots. Not overly bothered by putting makeup on she smiled at herself in the mirror, her smile faded as she looked at the scar on her upper lip. Dismissively she shook her head and walked away from the mirror, placing her phone in her pocket. Jaycoby smiled at her as she opened the door of the bus to leave.
"Stay safe." He called, blackened lips curling into a soft smile.
"Or die~" the man next to him joked. Chriztof had an odd sense of humor but Arcadia appreciated it.
"Love you too Chris~" she tossed him a smirk and stuck her tongue out, earning a snort from Chris.

She hopped off the bus and smiled. Damn she was excited for this tour.

An: hey :)) first chapter? Well you could probably tell but her outfit is shown in the chapter header so if you're curious check that out.

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