After Glow (chapter 8)

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The performance had finally finished on the sombre note of The Rat City Experiment's song Holy Water Like Whiskey, a song about the struggles of a depressed alcoholic. Simple to say Jaycoby wrote it.

Arcadia sat backstage, trying to cool off, the warm weather was killing her. She fanned at her face, scowling at Jaycoby as he sat next to her. This fucker was dressed head to toe in black and he was barely sweaty. Fuck goth men.

"Cady, you sounded fantastic playing Ma Cherie!" Jace squealed, wrapping his sweaty arms around her shoulders. His blonde hair clung to his wet forehead in messy chunks as he held her close. "Sweetie you were stunning! If that boy you like wasn't impressed then I will personally fight him." He added, flashing her a wide smile.

"Heh, Thanks Jace.. I mean.. I think I did good you know? Like I really tried-" She started to anxiously ramble before  being interrupted.

"That was fucking awesome." 

Everyone turned to look where the voice came from. 

There he stood.


Sebastian Danzig Kropp.

"I-uh.. thank you? Really I umm.." Arcadia stuttered, feeling her cheeks warm up. "I listened to your music and... fuck that song just really spoke to me.. I th-thank you again Sebastian.."

He chuckled. Fuck he sounded cute. A smile spread across his cheeks as he walked over to Arcadia, black velvet ankle boots tapping the ground as he took each step.

"Little Miss I'm serious, you were fantastic. In fact, I'd like to make you an offer." He stopped in front of her, smirking slightly. Smoothly he slipped his sunglasses off, tucking them inside the pocket of his jacket. "This evening when me and my brothers preform Ma Cherie, I'd like you to do our backing vocals and play bass. You were extraordinary you know.." He mused.

"I'd lo-" Arcadia started to speak, her cheeks rosy and warm.

"What's in it for her?" Chriztof, kinda rudely, interrupted, pushing strands off his jet black dripping wet hair from his forehead. "You gettin' her to play is cute and shit but what does she get from you?" His green eyes were glaring daggers at Sebastian, everyone was unsure if he was being aggressive or thought Seb was attractive.

"I'll take her out for coffee. On me of course." Sebastian replied, his smile barely faltering.

Chriztof raised his eyebrows and glanced at Arcadia taking note of her ever increasing blush and smile.

"Seems fair I guess. But don't fucking think she'd leave us for you." Chriz spat, unsure of why he was so aggressive towards Sebastian.

"What my boyfriend is trying to say is, we want her back by tomorrow. I apologise for his tone and... colourful choice of words." Jaycoby said in his deep smooth voice, casting a side glare to Chriz.

"Thank you... Meet me by my bus at 7 okay?" He pulled Arcadia into a quick hug, leaning down to whisper in her ear. "Wear pastels, you look adorable."  With that he pulled away and placed his sunglasses on his nose and walked off.

Everyone was silent for a few moments just glancing at each other.
"Holy fuck." Arcadia muttered, feeling butterflies in her stomach. "Oh my god." She was breathless. Sebastian himself asked her to play one of his songs with him. She felt like she was on cloud 9.

"Congrats Cady!" Emmie yelled, probably just as excited as Arcadia was in all honesty.


Sebastian arrived back at his bus and threw himself on his bunk. Thoughts of Arcadia flooding his brain and disrupting every idea he was once pondering.

"Hey Seabass what's with the midlife crisis?" His younger brother, Remington, questioned. He was unaware of where Sebastian had gone and why he had only just returned.

"A girl." Sebastian replied shortly.

"You ditched me and Emerson... For a girl?" Remington probed further; sure Sebastian was known for his quick flicks with girls but it was rare for him to take actual emotional interest in them.

"I like this one. The one I tweeted about."

"So... You left so you could go chat up a girl?"

"No. She wanted me to hear her play... She covered Ma Cherie and fuck... It was amazing." Just talking about her made Seb smile, a wide genuine smile. "And... I asked her to play it with us tonight. She plays bass and provides backing vocals."

"Seb you should kinda tell me and Emerson stuff like that before you do it. Buuuttt.... She can play with us. Maybe Daniel will stop complaining that he works too hard." Remington joked, grinning at his older brother.

"Thanks Rem. Trust me, shes amazing."

AN// Short chapter I knoooww and I'm sorry! The next one will be a more decent size. And yes, the title is a reference to the All Time Low song.

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