Wake Ups and Caffine (Chapter 16)

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"Wake up, c'mon... Wake up Seb!" Remington whisper yelled, not wanting to wake up Arcadia. The two of them had slept soundly all night and in all honesty Rem felt a little bad for interuppting their spooning session. With an annoyed grunt, the eldest Kropp brother opened his eyes and looked at Remington.

"What do you want? I'm busy." He mumbled, glaring at his younger brother. Remington rolled his eyes.

"Just get up and dressed. I need to show you something."

Annoyed, Sebastian got out of his bunk and pressed a light kiss to Arcadia's sleeping forehead. Quickly he dressed himself and once finished tying his cravat he sat down next to Remington.

"Ok. What?" The older brother snapped, folding his arms over his chest.

"Well. Twitter is going crazy right now. Everyone is tweeting pictures of you and Arcadia's kiss from last night." Remington stated, showing Sebastian his twitter feed and sure enough- dozens of pictures of the kiss.

"Fucking hell. I'm going to kill Emerson-"

"No! No killing brothers please!" Remington interupted. "But.. I think it might be a good idea to make Arcadia your girlfriend. Me and Em both know your in love with each other..."

Sebastian took a moment to think and in all honesty, Remington was probably right. If Arcadia didn't like him why would she kiss him or agree on a date or stutter like she did when they first met? And why would he have kissed back or asked her out on a date or given her a cute nickname. Damn he really was in love.

How he had been feeling about her for was proof enough. People would most likely laugh if he said that he was in love with a woman he had known for a couple of days- but he was serious. This was the strongest he had felt for someone in a long time- or quite possibly- ever.

"I should ask her out." He whispered to himself. "Yeah- I will!" His confidence rose.

"Thats the spirit Seabass." Remington smiled and hugged his brother with a smile.

A very sluggish Arcadia dragged herself out of Sebastians bunk, her hair was messy and her eyelids looked heavy. Upon seeing her, Sebastian felt his lips turn upward into a smile. She just looked so cute and sleepy- and the fact that he was half dressed was a bonus.

"Uh... 'm tired and need coffee. I feel like shit.." She muttered, rubbing her eyes to try and force the sleep out.

"Hey Arcadia. I'll but the kettle on and Seb will help you get dressed. Emerson is over at Waterparks bus right now but he'll be back in an hour or so." Remington said cheerfully, jumping up from his seat and walking to the 'kitchen' area to make coffee. Only now did Sebastian realise that Emerson wasn't around.

"Thanks Rem.." She replied, folding her arms and lazily smiling. Sebastian stood up and walked over to Arcadia and took one of her hands into his.

"C'mon Little Miss, lets get you dressed and stuff- hey is that my shirt?" He cocked an eyebrow noticibg she was in one of his long sleeved baseball shirts. He rarely wore it due to always being in his suits and fancy shirts; she suited it far better in his opinion.

"Yeah. It's comfy and stuff." She said shyly, not wanting to admit she liked how it smelt of him.

"I like it on you. You should keep it sweetheart." He replied, picking up the backpack that contained Arcadia's change of clothes. There was a little note tucked into one of the pockets and Sebastian decided to read it.

'You're lucky Chriz wasn't in. Have fun and thank me later. ~Jaycoby (Goth Dad) xx'

Sebastian furrows his eyebrows in confusion but shrugged and continued to pay attention to Arcadia.

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