Shopping and a date (Chapter 17)

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"G'bye you two!" Hollered Remington as Sebastian and Arcadia stepped off the now parked bus. "And remember! Always use condoms-" Sebastian slammed the door to silence him.

"Please ignore him..." The eldest Kropp brother sighed, his cheeks flushed.

"Yeah... Planned on." Arcadia giggled. "But it was good life advice."

"Can we not talk about sex please? Before we get coffee I wanted to take you somewhere." He replied quickly, not really wanting to discuss the topic of sex until he knew they were both ready for it.

"Alright, alright."

The two of them walked for a while, chatting about what it was like being raised in different countries since Arcadia moved between England and Greece and Sebastian mainly grew up in Las Vegas. She had toured the US a couple of times and had lived there for a few years but she doubted she would ever get used to the culture in The States. Honestly Seb thought that was cute- listening to her ramble about how shes not sure how much to tip a waiter or how talkative and conversational American people could be.

"I'm really sorry to interrupt you Little Miss but-" Sebastian opened the door to a shop with a smirk. "- I want to show you something."

Arcadia's face lit up and she stepped past the taller frame of Sebastian.

"My gentleman." She joked, walking into the shop and gasping. "Oh my god!" She squealed.

It was a guitar shop.

"Go look around. If you find something you want I'll buy it for you. The price isn't really an issue." Sebastian assured, closing the door behind himself. Damn. He loved to see Arcadia smile like she was; the way her lips twitched slightly and how her nose scrunched and how her eyes squinted was just perfect.

Arcadia didn't need to be told twice before she started browsing. Yellow was her theme. She wanted something yellow to match her hair and overall fashion sense. It didn't take long for her to find what she was looking for. A pastel yellow electro acoustic Fender ukulele.

"Hey Seb? I found something!" She called out, eyeing the instrument. Interested, Sebastian tore his eyes away from the Les Paul he was admiring and made his way over to the neon haired girl, trying desperately to not focus on all of the gorgeous guitars surrounding him.

"A ukulele?" He asked, looking it over.

"Mhm." She agreed. "It's really cute and I've been needing an electric one for a while." Smiling, she looked up at him, eyes pleading. Sebastian's lips twitched upwards into a smile and he nodded in agreement, enjoying the sight of Arcadia's gratitude and ecstatic smile as she picked up the ukulele and walked to the counter to pay. Without any fuss, Sebastian payed for the instrument, and couldn't resist a smile when he saw the glee in Arcadias blue eyes.

"Oh my god thank you so much Seb- I love it so much!" She rambled as the two of them left the store, ukulele in hand.

"It's no problem Little Miss, quite honestly it's what you deserve." He replied, placing an arm around her waist and comfortably resting his hand on her hip.

"If you say so- I umm... Nevermind." She mumbled, side stepping further into Sebastians hold. That sense of safety washed over her and her cheeks reddened slightly.

"Mhm." He thought it best to let silence take over. It was a comfortable silence, no odd glances or awkward coughs- just the two of them walking together ajd enjoying eachothers company. Rather pleasent really.

"Here. Last year my brothers and me went to this cute little cafe and I thought you would appreciate it." Sebastian stated, looking at the brick building infront of them. Ivy climbed the warm exterior and the glass was clouded around the edges- it reminded Arcadia of the cafes she would go to while in France.

"It's so pretty..." She muttered.

"It is now come on, coffee won't order itsself." He joked, opening the dark wood door and walking in with her. The interior was just as pleasing as the exterior, Arcadia noted, mainly deep browns with pastel furniture. Most notibly however, was the small stage in the back corner of the building- something Arcadia couldn't help but smile at; remembering playing on stages like that to pay her pathetic rent back in England.

After taking in the atmosphere around them they wasted no time ordering- Arcadia wanting a mocha latte and Sebastian having earl grey tea- and sat at one of the small tables towards back of the cafe, somewhat close to the empty stage.

During a conversation about favourite guitar brands- Arcadia is classic and loves Fender whilst Sebastian is a posh git and prefera Gretsch- a petite barista walks over and places their drinks infront of them but pauses before she said her obligatory 'enjoy'.

"Hey umm.. I know I'm meant to be working but can I have a picture with you two... Im kinda a big fan of Rat City and Palaye Royale..." She said shyly, glancing between Sebastian and Arcadia.

"Oh sure! C'mon Seb!" Arcadia mused, jumping to her feet. Meeting fans was always fun in her opinion and she loved it when the encounters were accidental.

Sebastian nodded and smiled, rising to his feet. He and Arcadia stood either side of the barista and smiled as she took a selfie with them.

"Thank you both so much!" She giggled before walking back over to the counter to do her job. Sebastian had an idea.

"Hey Little Miss, why don't we take our drinks and go to this near by park and try out your new uke?" He asked, taking a sip of his tea. While yes- playing ukulele was fun- he mainly wanted to go to the park for a little privacy so he could finally ask Arcadia to be his girlfriend. Yeah. Girlfriend. Just using that word in reference to her made his heart flutter.

"Hell yeah, that sounds fun as fuck!"

AN// YIKES i know this took AGES to come out and its a half assed chapter but my mental health is a little fucked rn and school is doing fuck all to help. On a lighter note I'll be writing a new chapter as quick as i can. Sorry.

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