Tears and Fears (Chapter 11)

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"Fancy seeing you here.." Nicki cooed, folding her arms with a smirk. Arcadia was speechless. Her lip trembled with anxiety, hands visibly shaking with the overwhelming panic forming in her stomach.

"Mhm." She choked out, trying to force her stare away from those dangerous green eyes. Of all the people in the world she could have ran into today, it had to be her.

"Oh come on, smile sweetie." Nicki practically hissed, her words having the effect of poison on Arcadia. The yellow haired girl looked sick, just hearing herself be called sweetie by that cretin made her feel ill.

"I have to go." Arcadia murmured, practically jumping from her seat and racing out of the shop. Tears welled in ger eyes.
'You're pathetic.' she thought to herself.
'Look. You're crying and she's barely spoken to you. You're weak. Grow up.'

She ran around the corner of the street and slid down the wall, tucking her knees up to her chest. Her hands tightly covered her mouth, muffling any sound that could have possibly escaped. Foot steps. She could hear footsteps. Nicki?

"Leave me alone-"


"Fuck off!"

"Missy its me Sebastian calm down..."

Oh god. Of course it was.

"Shit-I I'm sorry.. I didn't mean-" She started, tears running down her rosy cheeks, dragging her mascara and eyeliner with them.

"Don't worry.. It's okay." Slowly he got on his knees in front of her and flashed a quick smile. "Do you... Do you want to tell me what happened..?" His voice was gentle, he was fully aware he was treading on eggshells by asking such a personal question but he was concerned.

"Umm.. That lady was my ex girlfriend... We.. We didn't have a great relationship. It started off great I mean- I loved her. I really did-" She sobbed. Well shit.
'Well you're already a mess might as well just tell him.'
"But she didn't love me and-and shit went down quick- fuck... She didn't love me you know and- she.. She- and she-" Words escaped her, her lungs felt dry and empty.

"Arcadia look at me..." Sebastian whispered, ever so gently reaching out to touch her cheek. It was meant to be a sweet gesture but as soon as he made contact she flinched and jerked away- her eyes shooting open.

"Hurt me." She whispered, barely audible. Thoughts flooded back to her. Memories too. Fuck.

"Sweetie." Her voice stung like acid.

"Yes...?" Arcadia's voice quivered, that sickly sweet tone only meant one thing-

"I've had a long day at work,"

No no no no no-

"-And it's been so hard on me."

Please please please don't-

"Come see me. Get on you're knees and take it like a real woman."

She hated herself. She did as she was told, taking her beating like she knew she should. Nicki did this out of love. Nicki did this because she loved her.

"So good. Go clean yourself up. And be quiet. I'm tired and need to sleep." She pressed a kiss to Arcadia's head, fully aware of how acidic and harmful it felt on the shorter girls bruised skin.

"Arcadia? Baby come on snap out of it.." Sebastian was hugging her, holding her to his chest, stroking her back trying to calm her down

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry-" She cried, burying her face deeper into his warm embrace. She hated being like this. Helpless. Completely unable to control her tears and sobs.

"No no don't be. You've done nothing wrong... And she can't hurt you now... I'm here. You're safe with me baby..." He hated seeing her like this. He wanted to see her smile. To hear her laugh. Those painful sobs felt like a knife to the gut.

"Mhmm" She whimpered a reply, staying safe in Sebastian's chest. She did feel sfe with him. With his arms around her. Holding her.

"Let's get you back to my bus, I'll help you fix your makeup... I don't fancy Chris trying to kill me again." He muttered earning a slight chuckle from Arcadia-more than enough to make him smile.

The walk back was quick, Sebastian held Arcadia's hand the whole time, the tender contact keeping her thoughts grounded and focused on him. Once on the bus Sebastian brought her to the living area, avoiding his clothes and random belongings strewn across the floor.

"Take a seat. I'll get some makeup wipes and we can start from scratch. My brothers won't have all the same colours of eye shadow as you." Sebastian said, fetching some of Emerson's makeup, hoping he won't mind too much.

"You don't have to do this... Just cleaning it off would be fine-"

"Perhaps. We can do whatever you feel comfortable with." He smiled and placed the objects on the table, taking a few wipes out of the container and starting to clean the black smears from her cheeks.

"Thank you.."

"Don't thank me. I'm just being decent.."

"Being a gentleman." She sniggered, causing her to smile.

That made Sebastian smile. Wide.

Once her makeup was completely off and she could open her eyes she noticed something on the table.

"You'r band has a makeup pallet?" She gasped inspecting it, admiring the packaging.

"Yeah.. It's called the Pallet Royale." He remarked with amusement.

"Oh my god-" She laughed and full on snorted half way, completely ignoring it she kept laughing. Sebastian felt his heart swell. That may have been the cutest thing he had ever heard.

"You can have one if you want? The gold glittery one would suit you really well."

"Yes! I'd love that!" She grinned and hugged Sebastian. She wrapped her arms around his neck, going on her tip toes.

"Alright- well hello there." He chuckled realising she was so close, without really thinking he glanced at her lips. They looked so silky...

Arcadia noticed his gaze travel to her mouth so she took a leap of faith and pressed them against his own. She felt sparks. Nothing could ever compare how fantastic the kiss felt, especially when their lips moved in sync.

"Holy fuck..." He whispered wide eyed. "Maybe we should make out on stage."

Arcadia giggled.
"Totally, next time Rat City plays we'll get you to play with us! I'll choose a really metalcore or post-hardcore emo-ish song so we can get really aggressive and shit.."

"Yeah... You be Frank and I'll be Gerard." He joked, his lips turning upwards into smile.

"Of course..."

AN// WOW 11 CHAPTERS AND THEY FINALLY KISS- also school has started again so motivation is kinda lacking rn, I will try my best to update tho. Sorry lads oof. Also fuck editing ig-

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