Spilt Nail Polish (chapter 5)

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Perhaps she was just over thinking it. Him calling her Miss really wasn't a big deal. He probably called all the girls he met Miss. Or boys. Or and boys. She wasn't here to judge. Wait. Can you call a boy Miss? Sure why not, it's a free country.

With a sigh she returned to her tour bus, stepping on with her mind still clouded by thoughts of Sebastian. She shook her head in a feeble attempt to clear the thoughts but they stuck like hot glue. Listening to her shoes hit the floor she walked over to her bunk and sat down, admiring her current duvet cover: a cactus print. After her brisk admiration she looked to the bunk parallel to her's and giggled. One of the front men on her band, Emmie, was going through their vinyl collection contemplating what to listen to.
"Em, play some Jethro Tull.." she spoke out to them, forcing their attention away from the discs.

"Not in the mood to... was thinking about some Red Hot Chillie Peppers..." They replied, South Korean accent heavy on their words.

"Hmmm... nah..." Arcadia mumbled, twirling her hair around her right index finger and winced as some of it got caught in one of her silver rings.

"Ugh... Pink Floyd!" Emmie mused, their eyes brightening as they held up the sleeve to 'Another Brick In The World'. Arcadia nodded as she entangled her rings, biting her tongue in frustration. With a skip in their step, Emmie approached their baby blue record player and placed the disk in place and the needle on top.

"Hey Cady," Emmie started using Arcadias nickname, "can I paint your nails?" They smiled sweetly, swaying to the music. Arcadia looks down at her hands realising her nail polish was chipping away.

"Yes please, I think its about time to... Can we do electric blue to match my bass?" She questioned smiling slightly, drumming her finger tips upon her thighs.

"Yessssss! Blue would look super cute with your hair too!" Emmie giggled, reached into their box and retrieved their small bottle of blue nail polish. They examined it and hummed, sitting next to Arcadia with a smile.

Gently they held Arcadia's hand and started applying the liquid smiling at the colour against her skin. Her phone buzzed causing Emmie to jump and knock over the bottle of liquid- it oozed out into a puddle of deep blue space.

"Shit!" Emmie yelled, they rushed to pick up the glass container and set it on the floor out of the way. They frowned as they looked at the mess. "Shit Cady Im so sorry... I'll strip your bed for you and take it all to the launderettes... fuck I really am sorry..." Their voice was heavy with guilt.

"Hey hey hey... Its ok Em... I would be really thankful if you did take it all to be cleaned." She gave then a firm hug, her arms tenderly wrapped around their neck as her face rested on their slim shoulder. Honestly she really hated seeing Emmie upset, when ever they hurt someone they would stop at nothing to correct their mistake and make it up to the person they had wronged.

"Ok... You wait on my bed then.. A-Again I'm so sorry..." Politely they offered a helping hand to Arcadia and helped her rise to her feet. Softly she smiled, looking up at Emmie.

"Calm down... Its ok I swear! As long as you take my duvet to get cleaned." Playfully she poked their chest earning a slight chuckle from them.

Tentatively she sat down on his bed, trying to distract herself from Emmie's cleaning, she decided to hum and sing to the Pink Floyd Emmie was playing. Absent mindedly she checked her phone remembering that it buzzed thus causing the spilt nail polish. It was a Twitter notification. Oh boy.

@SebastianDanzig has started following you.


Instantly she clicked his and frustratedly stared at her screen as it loaded. As soon as his page had loaded she followed him back and decided to look at his tweets. She was curious. A persons twitter says alot about then.

Wow. Just listened to @TheRatCityExperiment. Feeling good. Check them out.

Her heart was going a million miles an hour. She looked through the thread and saw some comments from him.

Met their bassist. Shes talented as hell. Follow her @Arcadia_Hecc!

She felt giddy. This beautiful man was complimenting her- publicly. Content she lay down, kicking her legs in the air as she did. After brainstorming she had an idea for a tweet.

Haii! Just popping in to throw some love to @SebastianDanzig! Check him and @PalayeRoyale out! uwu

She smiled and held her phone to her chest, not even realising Emmie had already left to clean her sheets. Damn. She started to think she had a problem. This man had practically taken over her every thought and it was driving her mad. But hey. She had to play this damn waiting game.

AN// Heeeeyy :o I was wondering. Would anyone be interested in reading a MCR x male OC? I have an OC already and I have a good idea for a story or series of one shots based of the Danger Days album. Comment if you have any interest please xx

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