Overprotective and Sleepy (Chapter 12)

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Arcadia returned to her bus, smile giddy and cheeks completely dried of tears. In the end she hadn't really bothered with redoing her makeup- taking time to talk to Sebastian was so much more appealing. As soon as the door closed behind her Chriztof sprinted towards her. He still smelt of sweat- in all honesty when didn't he- and his hair was sticking up at all angles possibly.

"Cady how was the date? Did he he hurt you? If he did I have a baseball bat- wheres your makeup? Did he make you cry? I'll fucking kill the bastard-" He rambled exasperated. His eyes were wide, as if he had been drinking coffee or something to keep himself up.

"Chris calm down!" She stated in a firm tone. "Sebastian hasn't hurt me. I'm not wearing makeup because yeah- I did cry. Not because of Sebastian, but I uh..." Her voice started to loose her confidence and bravado. "I saw Nicki..."

Chriz instantly softened, sighing deeply. He pulled Arcadia into a gentle hug, truth is he really did care about Arcadia. Through out his life he had barely had any positive female influences in his life- he was an only child and he didn't have an awfully healthy relationship with his mother. Not many people could deal with his ADHD, especially his anger issues and separation anxiety that came along with it- unfortunately his mother was part of the majority. Arcadia was the woman he was closest to, she actually took time to listen to him and understand him and rather than simply telling him he's over reacting, she would let him explain his emotions before giving her opinion. They had a close bond, practically siblings.

"Sorry. I just worried. Did anything bad happen?" Chriz muttered, trying not to wake the other sleeping band members, only just realising how loud they were being. Subconsciously he ran his fingers through her hair.

"Not really. Had a flashback and had to go outside. Bless him, Seb came after me to make sure I was ok." Arcadia laughed dryly, appreciating Chriz's tender approach to the situation.

"Good. Don't want our new bassist getting upset."

"Chriz I'm not new! I've been playing with you lot for over a year!" She whined.

"Yeah but I'm an original." Playfully he stuck his tongue out. "I'm joking... Go get some sleep. If you're feeling particularly shit you can sleep in my bunk and I'll crawl into Jay's..?"

"Dude your bunk smells like sweat and cigarettes. I'll be fine." She giggled. "Thanks though."

With that she walked off to get changed into her pyjamas (a Led Zeppelin shirt and a pair of mens boxers- Drop Dead ones to be exact) and then to her bunk. It smelt clean and fresh since Emmie had washed it for her. Tiredly she plugged her earbuds into her phone and played Cave Town. His slow melodic songs always helped lull her to sleep. In no time her eyelids fluttered shut and she was fast asleep, lightly snoring as usual.

<<Time Skip To The Morning>>

With a yawn Arcadia slipped out of her bunk and stretched her arms out. On autopilot, her brain guided her to her clothes and she got dressed. A different pair of Drop Dead underwear, a pair of black ripped skinny jeans that rested low on her hips (she wanted to show off that Drop Dead), her yellow Cave Town shirt with the lemon on it, a black denim jacket and yellow vans. Being a lazy sod she was just going to let Jay do her hair and makeup.

Finally feeling somewhat human she checked her phone and looked through Twitter- the easiest source of entertainment.

"Woah those pics of Arc and Seb were cute af xx"

"Arcian or Sebia? What sounds cuter?"

"Oof Seb is too good for her. Slut."

Upon seeing the third tweet she raised an eyebrow and pressed 'quote tweet'.

Hey, would it be ok if I start a line of shirts called Slut? Do you want credit?

Best thing is she wasn't joking. Constantly getting called a slut and a whore gets tiresome quick so might aswell have fun with it. She shrugged and replied to the second tweet just for a laugh.

Arcian sounds hella LOtR or GoT so lets go w that lmao :p opinions @SebastianDanzig?

Shaking her smile from her face she lay her phone down on the counter and made herself some cereal- breakfast is the most important meal of the day right? Whilst eating the sight of Jaycoby clambering from his bunk made her smile. Big goth man was one of her favourite people ever.

"'Morning Jay!" She called out, waving at him. Sleepily, he dragging himself over to her and placed a platonic kiss on the top of her head.

"Hey sweetie. Good date last night?" He grumbled, voice a little gravely due to his tiredness. Seeing Jaycoby in the morning was always strange, messy unbrushed and naturally wavy hair and above all- no makeup. His skin was still awfully pale, but not quite the porcelain white everyone had grown accustomed too. It was always nice to see him like that, more human and vulnerable without his black and white mask of makeup.

"Yeah. Twitter is going crazy over it." She replied, watching the tall disheveled bloke put the kettle on so he could make coffee.

"Mhm... Understandable. You two look cute together." He smirked wickedly as he saw Arcadia blush. "Just saying, we have an interview today. Just me and you. So be ready to answer questions I guess."

In all honesty she had forgotten all about the interview. Oh well, she'd live.

"I'll most likely tease answers about the EP- no one really needs any information on it... Yet." She smiled.

"In other words, wait for Chriz to get shitfaced drunk and stream part of a song?"

"Pretty much."

Jaycoby let out a low laugh and sat down next to Arcadia to drink his coffee. She had a pretty special bond with Jaycoby too. He was practically her dad- he cared for her and treated her like a daughter. It was a running joke for Arcadia to call him dad in videos or interviews, Twitter took to calling Jay 'Goth Dad' or 'Goth Daddy' immediately after and in all honesty the memes entertained him to no end.

"Well sweetheart, how about when I'm finished with my coffee I'll paint our faces all pretty and you can head off to the merch tent? The fans love seeing you be all casual." He said, taking a sip from the black bitter drink.

"Good idea. Want to look really gothed out or 2004 emo today." Arcadia joked, finishing up her cereal. The tall male smiled down at her and nodded.

Today was gonna be interesting.

AN// Filler chapters? What the fuck are those lmao??? Im sorry I'll get back to the plot soon I'm just a dumbass.

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