Sick and spooning (Chapter 15)

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After announcing she felt sick the boys ended the TEI event and took a somewhat drunk Arcadia back to their bus. Unfortunately she was correct and was on her knees vomiting into the toilet, Sebastian kneeling behind her keeping her hair out of her face and talking to her. Arcadia hated  being sick because it always made her cry- the awful burn it left in her throat just made her sob and she was never really sure why but it made sense this time. She felt guilty, not only is it her fault the boys had to cut the TEI short but now she was in their bus being sick.

"Shh its ok sweetie don't cry. You'll be fine you just drank a bit too much, no ones upset it's alright Little Miss.." Sebastian cooed, stroking her back comfortingly. The other two brothers had gone over to the TRCE bus to pick up a change of clothes and just essential stuff since Sebastian said she can sleep on their bus that night and swap over tomorrow whilst the busses take a break from traveling. 

"I feel like shit..." She whined, sniffing and wiping at her tears. "'S my fault you guys are having to look after me an-"

"Little Miss it's okay. Your health is more important than our silly games ok..?" He smiled genuinely, stroking her hair, pitifully she nodded and wiped her eyes again.

"Mhm..." She mumbled. "Its not all bad, at least being sick means I might lose a bit of weight-" Arcadia attempted to joke, weakly smiling at Sebastian. Sebastian however was not amused in the slightest, he frowned and wrapped his arms around her middle, pulling her back into his chest.

"Don't you ever say that. Your body is perfect. You're perfect." He muttered into her ear, resting his head on her shoulder. A genuine smile spread across her face and she lent back against Sebastian's warmth. "Em and Rem should be back soon, they're bringing you clothes and stuff do you can sleep here for the night."

"Yeah ok... No body else will mind right..?" She questioned, feeling rather drowsy.

"Not at all. Luis isn't bothered and Daniel doesn't care unless you drink his beer which I highly doubt you will." Sebastian replied and helped her to her feet when the doors to the bus opened.

Emerson and Remington had brought what they were meant to, not too sure what to bring they pretty much took half of her wardrobe with them. Politely, Arcadia thanked them for helping then decided to go and get changed into a pair of comfortable yet form fitting shorts and stole one of Sebastian's shirts, loving how the long sleeves covered her hands.

"Hey Seb which bunk is mine because I can only count 5 bunks and there are 6 people on the bus!" She called out, brushing her hair with her nails.

"Yeah your sharing with me..." He replied, walking over to her and wrapping his arms around her waist. "If you would rather share with one of my brothers-"

"No." She stated bluntly, and climbed into his bunk only for Sebastian to do the same. He smiled at her and pulled her close to him so that were spooning, him being the big spoon and Arcadia the little spoon. Without much effort they both soon fell asleep.

"Hey Remmy?" Emerson spoke quietly.


"We need to get those two together."

"Don't worry about it Emerson, it'll happen soon. C'mon just look at them."

AN// A short but sweet chapter ig, fluff and stuff may ensue lmao

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