Sex and Returns (Chapter 19)

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The Rat City bus, now fixed and fully functional, drove down the highway on its way to the next venue. All the boys were restles, without Emmie's presence everyone was going a bit mad.

"I keep texting Cady but she won't reply." Jace groaned and fidgeted while starting to write his 5th unread and unanswered text. Missing two band members was driving him absolutely crazy- especially considering Arcadia and Emmie are 2/3 people actually keeping their band together- Jaycoby being the final 1/3.

The latter male was choosing to ignore everyone else. Jay had realised it was far too much hard work trying to keep everyone calm, especially Jace due to him drinking cafineated coffee, and overall felt like throwing himself out of the bus and letting it run him over. He lay in his bunk and played Sims 4 where he was brutally murdering a Sim made to represent Jace via drowning him in the pool.

Anthony had also taken it upon himself to distance himself from everyone by playing acoustic guitar in the back room. As much as he loved Jace, Ant was not in the mental state to deal with his hyperactive boyfriend. He was relatively sure that if communication was attempted then he would get annoyed pretty quick and join Jay in the road under the tyres. And a band is pretty fucked without a lead guitarist and a drummer.

Another reason Anthony and Jaycoby were separating themselves was because of Chriz. His separation anxiety was getting the better of him and his somewhat violent side was creeping out. It started with him being snappy towards Jay- which the taller goth didn't stand for at all and promptly put Chriz back in his place. It had escalated to the punk pacing and ranting. Next would be crying and an emotional outpour.

Jace was still trying for a response, kicking his legs and jumping around a bit as he did so trying to release as much enter your as possible. He finally got one.

Arcadia: hey yeah I'm good. W Seb.

Jace's face lit up and he squealed.

Jace: Yay your alive!!! The bus is gucci and we're on our way xx

Arcadia: 👍 good how's everyone doing?

Jace: they're all being lame :/ Chriz is dying to make sure your ok.

Arcadia: well I'm all good- a little busy right now but got a little time.

Jace: busy doing what? 👀

Arcadia: *who


Giggling, Arcadia put her phone down and paid attention to the feeling of Sebastian's arms wrapping around her naked body and pulling her close to him. Content, she sighed, feeling his steady heartbeat against her back and the eventual sensation of her heart slowing down to beat in time with Sebastian's. Damn. This was the type of romance she used to mock when writing songs but here she was, curled up with her now boyfriend thinking of the sappiest lyrics to write about him.

"You were amazing..." He muttered, stroking her side, running his fingers over her hip and stomach. His touch was warm and gentle and his voice low and soft.

"Oh shut up..." Arcadia laughed, and lightly smacked Sebastian's large hand resting on her hip. The two of them just giggled and continued to cuddle. After around half an hour the bus doors slammed open and quick footsteps rang through the bus.

"Arcadia your bands here!" Remington practically screamed as he ran to the bunk area. Upon arrival his face flushed as he figured out what had just happened and sheepishly stepped away. "They're uh... two spaces over and.... yeah I'll go." He sped off the bus as quick as his skinny legs could carry him.

Sebastian was flushed and groaned, hiding his face in Arcadia's shoulder in embarrassment but it was short lived. As much as Arcadia loved Sebastian she was dying to see her bandmates and practically jumped out of Sebastian's bunk and threw yesterday's clothes on (and most definitely a pair of Sebastian's underwear).

"Hey babe-"

"Sorry Seb- just be at my set later today alright? Love you!" Arcadia loudly replied, quickly tying up her shoes and pulling her socks up. Before Sebastian could further protest, Arcadia had already ran off of the bus and was running to her bus. Dumbfounded, Sebastian just lay in his bunk completely naked.

Back on the Rat City bus, Jaycoby was fixing himself a mug of coffee- it seemed to be the only thing he would drink recently. Besides his daily dose of the bitter liquid in the morning as a wake up, he had taken to binge drinking it, getting through around 4-5 mugs a day. Prehaps it wasn't healthy but he was coping and while on tour- that's rather important.

As he took his first sip of the freshly brewed beverage the door to the bus opened quickly and a flash of bright yellow sped towards him. Having no time to waste he placed his mug on the counted and opened his arms to invite Arcadia into a much appreciated hug. Upon the embrace Arcadia sighed in relief, her shoulders drooped and lost all tension as the warmth of the taller boy consumed her smaller frame.

"Nice to see you too." He said quietly as he pulled away, eyes heavy and face completely makeup free. He was vulnerable like that- without his protective mask of white foundation and false lashes. He was him and only him.

Arcadia pulled away too.

"I missed you so fucking much...."

"Cady we were gone for one night and you probably would have been with your boyfriend anyway..." Jay teased, picking up his mug once more. Well he wasn't exactly wrong but that was besides the point.

"Well... yeah but just knowing you weren't here upset me." She pouted up at him and folded her arms. He shrugged.

"Poor baby..." He cooed and chuckled. "I'm kidding. I'm glad to see you too. Chriz was doing my head in." He sighed with a roll of his eyes. Chriz had decided to take a nap half an hour ago due to stress and anxiety- he was going to be out for at least another hour.

"I can imagine.... how're the other two?"

"I'll ask. Guys Cady's back!" The  tall goth raised his voice causing Jace and Anthony to race from the back room to the kinda kitchen area.

Lots of girlish screaming, whispered questions, mugs of coffee and the answered followed suit.


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