Jamming and Confessions (Chapter 18)

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The weather was fair as they sat in the grass together. Luckily, they found a grassy area that was quiet and a good distance from large amounts of people, leaving them with the soft sounds of nature and each other. It was nice, the two of them chatting quietly while Arcadia strummed on her ukulele, trying to think of short riffs and melody's. Trying hard to concentrate, she chewed her lip and furrowed her eyebrows.

"Hey, if you're so frustrated about thinking of something new, why don't you cover a song and sing it to me?" Sebastian asked, adjusting the sunglasses resting on his nose.

Arcadia lit up. It was obvious to everyone that she was head over heels for Sebastian- hell even he knew himself. This could be a good opportunity to officially ask him to be her boyfriend since he hadn't already done it. She wasn't judging him for being shy, she just knew what she wanted and would ask for it.

"Yeah. Ok." She took a deep breath.

"Wise men say, only fools rush in" She sang, strumming along to her words through half lidded eyes.

"But I can't help falling in love with you.." Glancing up at him, she smiled and Sebastian felt his heart swell. She was singing straight to him.

"Shall I stay?
Would it be a sin
If I can't help falling in love with you?" Sebastian sang as his cheeks heated up. He was finally admitting his feelings albeit through singing.

"Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling, so it goes
Some things are meant to be" They harmonise, the air thick with romantic tension. Sebastian reached out and gently pulled Arcadia's hand away from her ukulele leaving her unable to play. Quizzically, she looked at him.

"Take my hand,
Take my whole life, too
For I can't help falling in love with you.." Tenderly, he took her hand into his and brushed his thumb over her knuckles. Arcadia placed her ukulele down and leaned forward, pressing her lips to Sebastian's in a short but meaningful kiss.

"For I can't help falling in love with you.." She whispered against his lips before capturing them in another kiss. In that moment everything just felt right, everything felt right when she was with Sebastian, like nothing could ever go wrong.

Sebastian was the first to pull away to take a much needed breath. He took a moment to look at Arcadia's eyes- to him they were perfect. A glistening ocean blue.

"Arcadia..?" He muttered breathlessly as he ran a hand through his hair.

"Yeah?" She replied with a smile. The look of bliss on Sebastian's face, combined with his adorable blush, only made her want to kiss him again.

"Be my girlfriend.. Please." Once again, he took one of her hands in his and held it, the feeling of her calloused fingertips not bothering him.

"Of course Sebastian..."

Without a second wasted, Sebastian captured her lips in a kiss more heated and more passionate than the last. They moved in unison as he pulled her to his chest and slowly moved his kisses away from her mouth to her neck. Softly, he trailed kisses all over the sensitive skin and smirked every time she tensed and writhed when he touched a particularly sensitive area.

"Seb- Take this ba-back to your bus..?" She stuttered, feeling his teeth latch onto a particular area above her collar bone.

"Sure thing baby."

AN// Dont bully me ik this is pretty short too but hey- they finally got together? I'll edit this a bit later, I just really want to get this out.


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