On Stage Once Again (Chapter 9)

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Arcadia sat staring in her mirror, running her hands through her masses of neon hair. She couldn't come up with a style to put it up in. Braids? No... Pony Tail? No... Both? Both sounds good. Carefully she braided two small sections of hair either side of her face and let them rest over her shoulders then put half of her hair into a ponytail, tying it off with a purple bow. Nice.

Trying to get a better look of herself, she looked into her full body mirror, admiring how her thighs looked. She had never really been self conscious of her weight, why does it matter how wide her thighs were or what the scales said. But for once, she was a little nervous. Sebastian looked perfect, he was practically a walking God.

Trying her best to ignore her negative thoughts, she focused on what she was wearing and how it looked on her. A black sweetheart dress with pastel yellow faux leather chest harnesses. She trailed her fingers along the leather, admiring the pentagram it formed and how it matches the garters on her thighs holding her black stockings up.

"I look fine." Arcadia reassured herself, smiling into her reflection. "Everything looks fine." With that she relaxed.

She walked over to her rack of bass guitars, looking down the line of them. She had played her blue one so maybe giving that one a break would be a good idea. Oh! The yellow one! She never played it much but it looked cute, a pastel yellow bass with heavy strings.

She picked it up and checked the tune. Perfect. Carefully, she attached a black strap and slung it over her shoulder ready to go to Palaye Royales set.

Whilst walking to the stage she stopped a few times to take photos with fans. She kind of enjoyed taking selfies with fans, it was an excuse to make someone happy. Once at the set she felt a familiar feeling fill her stomach.


It was common for her to get stage fright or a rather nervous before a performance but this was new. Maybe it was because she was playing with a band she had never played with before- or the fact she has only met one of their members. Her pace slowed, taking tentative steps towards back stage, scratching the back of her hand nervously.

"Little Miss!" A familiar voice called out, revealing a smiling Sebastian. He looked good. A blue velvet suit jacket, navy blue shirt and black slacks.

"Sebastian, hey!" She smiled back, still nervous beyond belief. Her heart swelled seeing him, smiles suited him, it brought all of that beauty together.

"Well get over here, you need to meet my brothers." Politely, Sebastian offered a hand to Arcadia, still smiling widely. Shakily she took his hand, anxiety causing her whole body to shiver slightly. He held her hand tight. Not painfully so. But protectively.

"Rem, Emmy I have someone for you to meet!" Sebastian called out, leading Arcadia towards two other boys. "These, are my brothers."

"Hey there, I'm Remington!" The one with black messy hair announced grinning. He was rather handsome too, his eye makeup was flawless. "You must be the girl Seabass has been drooling over."

Remingtons comment caused Arcadia to blush intensely, and look at the floor.

"I-I don't really know but uhm... I'm Arcadia Lumoz..." She stuttered, her free hand fiddling with her guitar strap.

"Hello then, I'm Emerson. The cooler brother." The third boy said smirking. Woah. She thought his hat was unusual but really suited him. "And sorry for what Remington said, he's kinda stupid."

"Alright boys behave. Miss Lumoz is the lady I wanted to perform with us. Trust me. Shes fantastic." Sebastian beamed. "Play them something, they'll love you.." He whispered to Arcadia in a reassuring tone, gently letting go of her hand.

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