Exploring (chapter 2)

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Pondering, she wandered around the stage, boots tapping against the hard floor. Arcadia smiled at the sound and couldn't help but jump a little; giggling at the echoes her actions make. She closed her eyes and continued to jump and dance around trying to get a better feel of the stage, she mouthed the words to Iron Maiden "Run To The Hills". During her little stage-bonding session she didn't realise how close to the edge of the stage she got- she fell off. Ass first. She hit the ground with a thud and hissed in slight pain.
"Shiiiit..." she mumbled shaking her head.
"Hey.." a voice started to talk. It was pleasant and soft on the ear. " you ok doll?
Arcadia's pale blue  eyes shot up to look at the male talking to her. Damn he has pretty. Handsome maybe but oh god... he was beautiful.  Gentle eyes, sharp cheek bones and perfect face shape. His skin was fair and flawless...
"What?" Arcadia awed. Her jaw was slack and eyes wide.
"Are you ok? You took quite the dive there." He gave her a smile... that smile could melt butter. It was beautiful.
"I'm fine.. great even... I'm good. I'm not dead ya know.. still breathing yeah? So-so I'm fine and dandy-" she continued to ramble and stutter, not even realizing that stranger had offered her a hand up. Usually she was fun and flirty but this man took her breath away, and apparently all her ability to talk normally.
"Alright doll... do you want some help up?" He didn't even bring attention to Arcadia's stuttering and repetition, instead choosing to talk to her.
"Oh- yeah sure. Thank you sir."
Shakily she took his hand, black chipped nails looking very distinct in contrast to both of their pale hands. Her heart damn near jumped out of her chest as his hand held hers, fingers wrapping around hers gently, treating her like a lady. With a gentlemanly tenderness he helped her to her feet despite her shaking weak knees.
"Thank you..." her voice quivered.
"Don't fret doll.. be more careful," he smiled remembering how happy she looked dancing around the stage pretending she was in an 80's metal band. "Try not to fall of more stages hmm?"
"I'll try..?" She joked, trying not to drool all over the pretty stranger. " I umm... I didn't catch your name..?" Her pitch rose with a slightly nervousness.
"I didn't throw it." He smirked with a sense of cockiness "but for you my doll, it's Sebastian Danzig Kropp."
"Arcadia.... I mean- I'm Arcadia- Arcadia Lumos..." she smiled nervously, that cocky smirk making her heart beat out of time.
"Well Arcadia Arcadia Lumos, I'll see you around..~" he teased, bringing attention to her odd speech pattern.

Oh god no... she was crushing on a stranger...

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