Coffee Shops (Chapter 10)

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The rest of the show was utterly fantastic. Remington's vocals were awe inspiring and Emerson's drumming was on point but above all, Sebastian was perfect. His guitar playing was impeccable, swoon worthy even.

A smile spread across her face as the Palaye boys returned backstage, greeting them as they passed her.

"Sebastian! That was amazing! You're so fucking good!" She gushed, bubbling with excitement.

"Thank you Little Miss, you were awesome out there, I've seen you play before but you just get better and better don't you?" Sebastian complimented, slipping his guitar strap off his shoulders and putting it down.

"I don't know about 'better', it's just you and your brothers have such good energy! And I'm a huge My Chem fan so that might've helped hype me up." She giggled, not exactly used to being complimented thus a little unsure of what to say.

"Hey, speaking of My Chem what was with you getting all touchy with Seb?" Emerson asked trying to act innocent, setting his drumsticks down as he cocked an eyebrow.

"Well.. I was channeling my inner Frank Iero. Him and Gerard would get kinda intimate sometimes-"

"They'd kiss a lot too." Remington interrupted. "Are you going to kiss Seabass? The fangirls would love it!" He teased, smirking at Sebastian.

"Fuck off Rem." Sebastian muttered, rolling his eyes. "We're not going to make out on stage."

"Yet." Added Emerson with a grin- earning a glare from Sebastian. Arcadia blushed feverishly, staring down at her slightly muddy yellow converse in an attempt to avoid eye contact with anyone.

"Guys, leave the poor girl alone. Just let her be Frank Iero in peace." Daniel huffed and shook his head disapprovingly as he reached for a can of beer.

"Exactly, thank you Dan." Sebastian muttered. "Hey, pass me your bass and I'll get one of the boys-"

"Most likely me." Daniel groaned.

"-to return it to your bus or a member of your band later. If that's alright?" Sebastian finished, ignoring Daniels remark completely.

"Oh- Right yeah!" Carefully she slipped the strap off and handed the bass to Sebastian. "Just be gentle with Caroline she's one of my best-"

"You name your guitars?" Emerson's voice lacked judgment, he was simply curious.

"Yeah, that way when me and my band talk about swapping instruments and stuff the fans get confused because 'who the hell is Carl and John?' ya know?" Arcadia giggled, remembering how at a meet and greet a fan thought 'Caroline' was her current girlfriend.

"That's actually quite the mind fuck.." Mumbled Remington, dragging his fingers through his black hair.

"Perhaps, it makes for some good jokes though." She shrugged, looking back at Sebastian. He was idling via playing with his thin scarf, waiting for Arcadia to finish talking with his brothers.  "Hey Seb, I'm ready for coffee when ever you are.."

His eyes lit up and a smile tugged at his lips, turning them upwards. He really did have a beautiful smile, either subtle yet cocky or wide and genuine. Either way, it was an absolute blessing to see.

"Right, of course. Let's go then." He slipped his sunglasses on, earning a slight pout from Arcadia. She left her sunglasses in the bus so she'd just have to deal with the sun burning her eye balls.

"Yep!" She agreed, popping the p. Shyly she followed Sebastian, a single one of his strides amounting to two of Arcadia's due to her smaller stature and shorter legs. Silently taking note of her struggle, Sebastian slowed his steps with a slight chuckle.

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