Truths, dares and alcohol.(Chapter 14)

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"Hey Sebastian..?" Emerson poked his head out of his bunk to look at his big brother, laying in his, directly opposite him. He watched as the older man huffed and rolled on his side to him, placing his phone by his pillow.

"What?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows. Emerson hated it when Sebastian got snappy with him. 'Just because you're in a bad mood doesn't mean you can take it out on me' he thought to himself.

"You've been watching Youtube for nearly an hour and a half, are you ok?" Emerson asked in an almost monotone voice, if Seb was going to be moody so was he.

"Well..." 'It's just easier to tell the truth Sebastian'. "Arcadia did an interview and she was asked for her band crushes and one of them was just 'Sebastian' and she refused to elaborate on it. I keep re-watching it because I really hope it's me..."

Emerson smiled-no no, he smirked.

"Well remember, she's doing our TEI shit with us... I can play match maker!" Emerson chuckled but Sebastian didn't seem overly impressed.

"Em. I'm serious. I really like her and- uh well..." Sebastian scratched the back of his neck. "We kissed after our date."

Emerson nearly choked on air.

"You kissed!?" Emerson cried with a wide smile.

"Yeah. She ran into one of her exs whilst we were out and she had a panic attack. I brought her back to the bus so she could clean off her makeup since she had been crying and then- boom. She kissed me." Sebastian replayed the moment in his head, causing him to smile.

"Sebastian you dipshit- of course she means you!" Emerson nearly screamed. "She kissed you!"

Nonchalantly Sebastian shrugged, but inside his mind was running a million miles an hour. Before he could be engrossed by his imagination, Emerson sighed and put a pair of his Elton John glasses on.

"We can further discuss this later, right now we need to go do our TEI. With you cruuuushh~!" He teased slightly, shaking Sebastian's shoulder causing him to groan and swat his brothers hands away.

"Yeah yeah whatever, let me just get my sunglasses and shit." He huffed, sluggishly getting out of his bunk. Whilst going through his bag in an attempt to find a particular pair of sunglasses, Sebastian came across a familiar object. Arcadia's yellow choker. He had forgotten to give it back to her so he did what any responsible adult would. Put it on, look good, and forget all about his sunglasses.

Meanwhile, Remington sat down in his chair, slightly early to the TEI talk. He always enjoyed being around fans, talking to the people that admire your existence may seem weird at first but seeing them all smile made up for any awkwardness.

"Hello soldiers!" He spoke into his microphone. He was smiling. To be honest Remington was always smiling. "Today we- I am being joined by a guest. Say hi to Arcadia please?"

A chorus of greetings rung out as Arcadia sat in the seat next to Remington. With a little wave she picked up her microphone too.

"Hi Royale Council, I'm Arcadia Lumos, the bassist of The Rat City Experiment. Nice to see you all here supporting the Kropp brothers and, clearly the best Palaye members, Daniel and Luis." She giggled and looked at the camera Luis was holding.

They had only met a few minutes prior because Rem wanted Arcadia to be in an episode of Royale Television and to do so you kinda have to meet the camera man. Even though the meeting was brief, Arcadia knew she was going to get along with Luis, he was hardworking and genuinely a very nice person.

"So now that we have our guest why don't we ask her some questions? Nothing too personal, this isn't an interview!" Remington announced.

The first few questions were pretty casual, things like 'How did you meet Palaye?' or 'What got you into music?', each answer came accompanied by a story and banter between Rem and Cady. She was definitely having fun.

"Sorry we're late, Seb was being lame." Emerson called out as he walked to sit next to Remington so the seat next to Arcadia was free. Smugly he smirked, thinking he was a match making genius. Sebastian greeted his fans then sat down, legs turning in at the knee as usual.

"Hey Seb- wait... Is that my choker?" Arcadia raised her eyebrows, starring at the pale yellow leather around Sebastian's neck. She didn't mind that he was wearing it at all because holy shit he looked fit as fuck. His sharp jaw and cheekbones look almost even more inviting with a choker around his neck. She breathed out heavily trying not to blush, wanting more than just chokers around her neck-

"Yeah it is. It suits me and stuff so I'm wearing it." Sebastian chuckled, taking his seat and leaning back comfortably. He wasn't exactly wrong, he did look good in it.

"Fair. But get ready for me to steal a scarf or something!" She retorted, childishly sticking her tongue out.

"Hey guys... we should play a game or something. something like.... truth or dare?! BUT the council gets to choose our dares and truths!" Emerson said, smirking at Sebastian. When Emerson said he was going to play match maker, he really wasn't messing around. Giddily, Remington agreed, kicking his legs with excitement- the boy would do anything for a dare. Unless it included snakes though.

"Yeah ok. Sounds good to me!" Arcadia added, smiling widely. "Sebastian?"

"Yeah alright." He replied, crossing his legs over each other. "So guys, shoot us dares and stuff."

One girl raised her hand and after Remington pointed to her she spoke up.

"Emerson, truth or dare?"

"Truth." He stated confidently, smiling in that kinda cheeky way he always seemed to.

"Who is your man crush..?"

He took a moment of silence to think, biting his lip as he thought.

"Awsten Knight."

Everyone giggled and a chorus of 'oohs' and 'aaws' rung out causing poor Emerson to blush slightly. The game continued like that for a good while, each Kropp brother and Arcadia receiving dares and truths. Dares were not limited to Remington giving a stranger $5, Arcadia drinking an entire can of Sebastian's gross Monster/ gin hybrid drink, Emerson taking his shirt off and Sebastian dabbing. Arcadia ended up somewhat buzzed if not rather tipsy from her dare including alcohol, she couldn't hold her liquor for shit so she was a giggling mess.

"Okie," Emerson said. "Arcadia truth or dare?" His smirk widened and he made eye contact with Sebastian, giving him a look that screamed 'you're going to hate me'.

"Hmmmm dare!" She slurred, starting to drink another can of Sebastian's gross concoction of energy drink and alcohol. 

"I dare you to kiss Sebastian." He said darkly. "And don't pussy out I want a proper kiss." 

Sebastian flushed bright red and couldn't formulate a sentence. Ok- one kiss in private was one thing but kissing in front of a crowd AND his brothers was a bit much. This hesitance almost made him laugh however, all he could think of was how badly he wanted her lips on his and how he wanted to feel her again. Remington was about to die from fangirling, he was grinning widely and tapping his feet against the ground.

"Yeaah ok." She mumbled and turned to face Sebastian, lazily putting her hands on his shoulders and bringing their faces closer. Without another word she forced their lips together, her mouth half open making it a pretty heated messy kiss. At that moment Sebastian felt his soul leave his body- sure she was tipsy but god damn it felt good, eagerly he kissed back, closing his eyes. All too soon her lips left his and she smirked at a somewhat shocked Emerson- he hadn't thought that it would have gone that well. 

"Woah." Sebastian whispered.

"Yeah. Woah." Remington stated, completely awestruck. His big brother just had his face snogged off in front of him- he was traumatised. 

Arcadia burst out laughing, nearly falling off her chair at everyone's reactions, she clutched her sides from laughing so hard until the smile fell from her face.

"Shit I'm gonna fucking puke or something..." 


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