A mess of emotions (Chapter 3)

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Arcadia had to take some time to herself after meeting him. Mr Danzig Kropp. It was obvious she had taken an instant liking to him despite knowing literally nothing about him. Well she knew he was pretty but that was about it. Just thinking about him make her head spin, she knew this was a simple crush and nothing more: just a simple attraction. That was it as far as she was concerned.
She let her head clear a bit before sitting on the edge of the stage to think, wincing slightly from sitting down after her fall. Damn it, she thought; she was still thinking about him. It was only one meeting, a singular gesture and she was getting flustered. she lay back on the stage and left her legs dangling off the edge, swinging them slightly. With a sigh she blew a few strands of yellow hair from her eyes, thoughts still revolving around Sebastian.
"I need mental heath or something I swear..." she muttered resting the back of her hand on her forehead.

Sluggishly she brought her phone out from her pocket and looked at the case with a smile, Judas Priest British Steel , she thought, my favourite. She turned it on and looked through her contacts and settled on telling Jace, the flamboyant bitch boy she loved to hate and loved to love too. He was usually pretty good with listening to her lovesick rambles, he had listened to her last three or so.

Arcadia: Heeeyyyy Jace... I gotta a code red.

Jace: Uhh... you need to piss?

Arcadia: NO! Thats code amber dumb ass... I've caught some feelings for someone..

Jace: she cute?

Arcadia: *he cute. And yeah reeaalllyy cute...

Jace: Oh a boy this time? Nice, like how cute?

Arcadia: Outta 10???? 12.

Jace: Shit girl... you gotta tell him then!

Arcadia: I've only met him once though... because i fell off the stage.

Jace: you.did.not.

Arcadia: ya. I did.

Jace: Im sorry honey but its useless.

Jace: joke joke, you've gotta give this time... otherwise... your DOOMED. So... maybe between shows you can get to know him? And you know... if he was any cute friends hook me up <3 <3 <3

Arcadia: good idea- and your dating Anthony dude..

Jace: Well if Anthony fancies him too then ;)

Arcadia: I swear your brain is too full of jizz to think... smh you thot.

She put her phone back in her pocket and sat up. She had a plan, talk to Sebastian more. Actually get to know him and his band... and definitely not hook Jace up.

AN:// ooof sorry for the slow updates, i broke my phone so I'm having to do writing on my computer and that shits hard when you have to share with your sisters but hey, I'll put in a little more effort lmao. Also, the picture/header is the phone case I'm referring to. Trust me its a FANTASTIC album by one of my favourite metal bands, I would recommend. Thanks for all those who read this :)) //

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