Chapter 24

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Light turned around, closing his phone and returning it to his pocket. "What is it Misa?" He asked, sighing. He knew she wasn't happy, judging by her angry red face and furious tone.

"Who is Kokona??" She demanded angrily, pointing to Rem, who was behind her. "Rem heard you talking to whoever that is, are you cheating on me?? Is that why you're on the phone with her so much???"

Light glared at Rem, giving her a face as though to say 'really?'

"I still don't like you, Light Yagami." She reminded him, and Misa's face grew more red as she demanded an answer once more.

"I'm not cheating on you Misa," Light reassured her, not wanting to upset her and lead Rem to killing him, "Kokona is a Kira supporter who I've had helping me. She's nothing to me, just help, alright?" 

"Well why is there 10 missed calls from her last night!!!" Misa demanded, not completely sure whether she believed him or not. She put her hands on her hips, frowning deeply and then crossing her arms across her chest.

"Her friend went missing, who is a part of SALL." Light explained, sighing and mentally cursing Rem. He hated her, a lot. Yeah, her presence brought Light the use of a second death note, but sometimes he wondered if it was even worth it. She caused him a lot of frustration most of the time. "She was freaking out, and wanted me to help her try to figure out what happened." Light sat down on the edge of his couch, and thought out loud, "Honestly, if someone on Near's or Mello's side got her, I'll probably have to kill her. I don't want information to get out and I'm not sure how much Kokona has told her. Judging by how worried Kokona was, she probably was close to her and told her a lot."

"You still love me," Misa said, softly, pretty much ignoring everything that he had just said. She walked over to where he was sitting, and wrapped her arms around his neck. She rested her chin on his shoulder, "right?"

"Of course," Light, the master of lies, said. Rem was right there, so he still had to treat Misa like a queen, even if in reality he could hardly stand the girl. But she had a death god as her guardian angel, and a death note, so it really was in his best interest to keep her happy. "I always will, Misa. You know that."


"You kidnapped her???"

"She found the camera! What was I supposed to do?? Just let her figure everything out?? You should be thanking me! I just saved our plan!"

"She had literally no reason to suspect it was you. Now that Kokona chick is going to be looking for her, and our spy plan is in the trash!"

"Well, I think kidnapping is a great plan. I'm a genius for thinking it up."

"It's really not, Matt. It's a terrible plan in this case."

"Well I disagree! I think - uh, hey, I think she's waking up..."

C groaned, slowly opening her eyes to the dull light of the terribly lit room that she was in. She looked around, and quickly found that she was sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall of a room she had never seen, with two boys - only one of which she knew.

"Daniel?" She asked carefully, wincing at the sharp headache she had woken up with, "What's going on?"

"Uhhh this is a dream, you should probably go back to sleep now because you totally weren't kidnapped or anything? Yeah that's definitely what's going on." 'Daniel' concluded, nodding decidedly as though reassuring to himself that that was, indeed, an excellent cover story to tell her. He was met with the other boy's elbow jabbing him harshly in the ribs. "Ow!! What was that for??" He demanded, rubbing his side and glaring at him.

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