Your first time meeting continued

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Aaron: You and your family went to the beach, but you didn't want to be there the whole tom stuck with them, especially cause of your little sister. after telling your mom you started a long walk down the beach and to the pier. About half way to the pier another body collided with yours, knocking you over. the boy helped you up and apologized explaining he was chasing a volleyball. "by the way my name is Aaron and I think I owe it to you to buy you a shake at Rubys." you happily continued your walk now with a really cute, sweet boy.

Jack G: There were so many other things you could think of doing on Saturday night then going to a baseball game with your family and another family. you had never met most of the other family so you were also kinda nervous. when you all met in the parking lot, you saw a cute boy your age and slowly grew more excited. you were so lost in thought you didn't realize him walk up to you," hi, my name is Jack, what's yours?" You know decided that coming here with your family wasn't such a bad idea after all.

Jack J: your mom needs you to go shopping for her, ugh.while you were at the store your basket crashes with someone else's. "I'm really sorry." you mumbled looking up to see a grinning boy. "no problem, but now you have to give me something.... your number." he smirked looking proud if himself, and you couldn't resist giving him your number along with satisfaction. today you were glad to grocery shop for your mom.

Hayes: You promised your parents you would take your little brother, James to the park that afternoon to play on the snow. living in North Carolina it snowed quite a bit in winter. when you got to the park automatically your brother ran off, and of course with your luck a little to far. searching and searching, but no sign if him thanks to the still falling snow. suddenly a boy your age came toward you with your little brother in tow. "thank you so much I was so worried! "no problem I'm Hayes by the way."

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