Cameron Imagine

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The hate had become increasingly worse by the day.You did your best to hide the hurt from Cameron, but it was hard. One day there was a tweet that really got to you. you tried not to let it, but it stayed in your head all day, eating away your self esteem.

After you got home from work, you just couldn't handle it anymore. You went to the bathroom of you and Cam's apartment. Finally finding the razor that had to be kept so well hidden. "It's been awhile." you whispered to yourself. Right as you make the first cut, the front door closed, meaning Cam was home early. 'shit' you mumbled under your breath. Trying to get up as pain shot through your arm. You threw the razor back in its hiding spot, wiped up the blood and went out to greet him.

"Hey Cam, you're home early."

"Yeah I wanted to surprise you." he said going in for a hug. As he hugged you, you winced in pain as his fingers brushes your fresh cut.

"Why is there blood on my fingers?" as soon as the words escaped his mouth, you had been caught.

He looked up at you, "Y/N?" you had to confess, as soon as you opened your mouth to talk tears began pouring down your face.

He pulled you in for a hug, more aware this time. "why?" you knew it was coming.

"Because, I the hate has gotten worse. I'm not good enough for you, you deserve someone way better than me. I'm sorry." you said crying into his shirt. "why would you think that. forget what the hate, I think you are absolutely beautiful and perfect. that's all that matters, I love you."

You froze this was the first time saying I love you's. the. You smiled, with tears still running down your face. "I love you too Cam." he smiled back then said,"just promise you will stop doing this to yourself."


You two the spent the rest of the day cuddling on the couch watching your favorite movies.

I just wanted to let all of you know I'm here for you, you're all worth it❤️


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