What your parents think of him

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Nash: Your mom thinks he really sweet and handsome. However your dad thinks he's gone to much, so he can never be there for you if you need him to be. Therefore he disapproves but when you bring him over to visit, he tolerates him and tries to be as polite as possible.

Cameron: Both of your parents approve of him. your mom thinks he's very polite, and likes that he likes her cooking. your dad likes that he has a guy to talk about guy things with, but he told Cameron if he ever hurt you then things would get very bad very fast and that's a promise.

Taylor: Your parents think he's nice, but he's too loud and they think he cusses too much. when he is over visiting your mom is very polite and tolerant. your dad on the other hand doesn't hold back, and tells him what he feels up front and in person.

Aaron: He is so sweet and quiet. Both your parents absolutely adore him, but your dad thinks he a little too quiet. your mom thinks he is perfect the way he is, and that he is also perfect for you, a good influence for you.

Matt: Your mom doesn't really like him because he is too outspoken and thinks he trouble. however your dad gave him a chance and couldn't like him more, but that doesn't eliminate the protective factor.

Shawn: Both of your parents think he is amazing, and has a really beautiful voice. Around your parents he is super quiet and shy, that's the only thing they don't like about him.

Hayes: Your dad likes him, because he is very sweet and plays football. your mom likes him, but thinks that he should spend a little more time with you rather than his other things.

Jack G: Neither your parents really like him that much because they think he is never around. your dad think he isn't trustworthy and will flirt with other girls behind your back.

Carter: Your mom is kinda racist so at first didn't really like him, but now that she knows him she approves. your dad likes him, because he is very nice and respectful of you and him.

Jack J: Your mom doesn't like him cause she doesn't trust him and thinks he has a bad mouth. your dad likes him because he likes having a guy, plus he likes that you don't go anywhere alone, especially at night.

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