Matt Imagine

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Matts pov

I was worried sick. how couldn't I be, my girlfriend is in the ICU. and it was all my fault. She was in the accident beacuse of me...i can't blame her for waking up and hating me. I would hate me. Hell I do hate me. The worst part is that I'm not allowed to even see her. Only family members for now. They're taking too long, but I know I have to wait my turn. Honestly I don't even know if I should go in there. If she's awake she probably won't want to see me. They say I'm not allowed in until she's awake, God knows how long that will be though. I've been sitting in this damn waiting room for hours on end with not a single word about her other than 'she's alive for now.' Those words stung my heart and caused tears to well up in my eyes. 'for now' They had many different meanings but of course my mind thought of only the worst one first.

Your pov

I woke up in a bright, white room surrounded by many familiar faces. "Where am I..?" My own voice barely audible as it came out as a hoarse croak. "You were in a major head on collision on the freeway. According to police you were texting." My mother explained rather bluntly. Not having enough energy to respond I simply nodded in response. My entire family was there but I felt so alone. It felt as if something, someone was missing, but I couldn't place my finger on what or who.

The doctor emerged with an attractive blonde boy my age. My family evacuated the room leaving us alone. He ran to the side of my bed tears threatening to spill from his eyes. "Y/N I'm so sorry. I can't believe I let this happen. i'm so sorry." I looked at the boy and found familiarity in his face, yet still had no clue as to who he was. "I'm so sorry but who..who are you?" His face fell as he called for the doctor, explaining to him what just happened. Then it all started fading black as machines began beeping around me. The last thing I saw was the familiar blonde boy staring at me with a mix of shock, disbelief, and sorrow written across his face.


Part two is in the process right now, don't worry. love you guys.


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