He gets jealous

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Nash: First he tries ignoring it, but finally he can't take it anymore. he'll get up walk right in front of the guy and say some choice words that he's been holding in, then he will grab your hand and walk away.

Taylor: He will walk up to you and the guy and wrap his arm around your waist to let the other guy know your taken. if he doesn't get the message he will start yelling until the guy leaves.

Cameron: He will walk between the two of you tell the guy to be on his way. Once the guy is gone he will smash his lips into your then whisper that your his and his only.

Aaron: He usually doesn't like to make a big scene, so he'll just shoot dirty looks and the finger. eventually the guy will leave, making for a satisfied Aaron.

Carter: Immediatly he will notice and will join the conversation with you guys, until he eventually pushes him completely out of the conversation all together.

Matt: He will get really mad, but doesn't like getting into big fights, so he just make it really awkward for the other guy.

Jack G: He will think of the most random things to do and say and has the guy running away within 5 minutes.

Hayes: Like Aaron he doesn't like getting into fights and making a scene, so he will shoot the scariest death stares he can manage.

Jack J: He gets sassy, he will start pushing the guy and yelling him he better back off, or else things will get ugly.

Shawn: He will get really angry, but will never say anything. you can always tell when his fists ball up, so you nicely tell the guy goodbye and leave with Shawn.

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