Jack G Imagine Part 2

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WARNING: If you haven't read the first one don't read!!!!!

Gilinsky's pov

After I walked out I cried for what seemed like the billionth time this week. The sight of her and Johnson made me sick to my stomach. Of course I don't blame her for hating me now. I was an ass and I let my needs get in the way of our relationship. I probably ruined her trust. at least I can tell her what happened before she shuts me out of her life. It's funny how you can work so hard to make your way into somebody's life and one mistake can send it crumbling to ruins. But I suppose that's human nature.

Johnson and I went over the plan so any minute he should be out here and I'll go in. I have a feeling by the looks of things he forgot the plan so I'll just go in and ask to talk to her and he'll hopefully get the message, here's go nothing..."Hey can I talk to Y/N please." She looked up and I saw nothing but pain and anger in her eyes but I had to tell her why. "there's nothing to talk about Jack." Her voice cracked and I could tell she was trying not cry. So was I. How couldn't I cry when the love of my life hates my guts. "Please here me out." With that Johnson walked out of the room with a frown etched on his face. I can't blame him for being mad at me too, they're best friends.

"Look I broke up with you because I couldn't live with the guilt of what I did and I'm sorry. You have to understand that I know I screwed up and I'm an ass for putting myself before your feelings." She stared at me with an expression of solid stone. Something I know she's mastered over her 18 years of experience. "Are you going to tell me what the hell you're talking about or do you expect me to guess?" Her words dripped with pure venom and I couldn't help but flinch slightly. She even looked surprised at her tone but quickly hid it and replaced it with her stone cold glare.


Your pov

I've been crying for who knows how long on the couch curled up next to Johnson. After he told me what happened I yelled and cried and broke a few things too. I broke in front of him and that's the only thing I knew I shouldn't do. Now he knows he got to me. He knows I'm weak and vulnerable. He left in fear of me getting more mad. He doesn't really care. He was worried for himself yet again. I sat there and thought for too long, overthinking as always. I could feel Johnson looking at me so finally I said. "lets go find him."


Hehe. I'm stretching into Part 3..he's in for it now. What do you think he did??😏


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