Imagine for OOForever_InfinityOO

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Elizabeth's pov

It started out as a normal FaceTime with Carter, my wonderful boyfriend. He was currently at Magcon, so we were face timing as we did everyday. Hayes, who stayed with me sometimes walked in to say hi to Carter. "Hayes can you leave for a minute?!" Hayes did as asked and left the room, leaving Carter looking pissed. "Carter what's your problem?"

"You're kidding me right? my problem is that because I don't see you-you cheat on me with my best friend." I was shocked and lost for words. As I was starting to recollect my thoughts and respond he hung up. He had the freakin nerve to hang up on me! I just sat there on the verge of tears because my own boyfriend didn't even trust me. After about 2 hours he tried calling back, as much as I wanted to ignore it, I knew I should answer and clear things up, so that's what I did.

"Oh I didn't think you would answer." even though I was hurt I wanted him to know I was also mad, "yeah I didn't think I would either." he looked taken aback but continued. "Look I'm sorry but I'm almost positive that you are cheating." I can't believe what I was hearing, he still wouldn't give it up! "whatever Carter, you're such an ass, goodbye!" With that I hung up and sobbed on my bedroom floor until I fell asleep.

The next day I woke up and saw that it was noon. Wow crappy day already. I walked downstairs and realized Hayes must've already left for the day. that is until I heard noise in the kitchen. slowly tip-toeing to the kitchen and peeked my head around the corner.... there stood the one and only Carter Reynolds. he must've noticed me because he turned around and ran over, engulfing me in a bear hug.

I wanted to fight it, but my heart wouldn't so I gave in and hugged him back. "Elizabeth I'm so sorry, last night Hayes called and said you were crying so I told him I thought you were charting and he told me I was wrong, when I realized what an ass I was I got the soonest flight out to tell you how sorry I am in person.... I love you with all my heart." I were about to reply but the last part caught you're attention. We had ever only said I love you once.

"Carter I love you too... but if this ever happens again I will cut you."(😂had to)

"I promise it won't." and we spent the rest of the day cuddling and enjoying each other's company.


I'm sorry this could've been better but I still hope you like it😊

Thanks to Elizabeth for requesting and being so kind!


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