Club Time!

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That's all that could be seen at the moment. In this darkness however a boy stood. He had (H/c) hair that reached all the way down his back in a ponytail.

The boy was adorned in a black leather Jacket along with similar colored pants and boots. On his hands were two fingerless gloves and one of the rings that the Collin brothers wore. The eyes of this one was black much signifying Wrath the strongest of the Seven Sins.

The boy looked around in confusion finding himself in his old body. (Y/n) Collin the bearer of Wrath was now in his 14 year old self.

He found himself in an alleyway of sorts in an old city.....

Looking around himself he saw a bunch of gang members laying unconscious on the ground with blood all over their bodies.

Bringing his hands infront of him he saw he was now covered in blood. Not knowing what to do he began backing away.

"Wait......" he said to himself as he continued backing away from the scene before him. "Not again...."

As he said that a light began radiating from behind him. The sound of crumbling could be heard as well. Turning around he dropped to his knees looking upon a burning building.....

Looking at his bloody hands he pondered on what was going on.....

"(Y-Y/n)....." he slightly looked to see a burnt hand reaching out to him
before dropping dead.

Looking around him he now found himself in the middle of the burning building.

Inside the crimson flames he found himself looking at the bodies of several men and women burnging away.

"No.....No......No!!!"he shouted as he weakly came to his feet. 'This can't be it....'

'It's just a dream (Y/n)....'

'It's just a dream (Y/n)....'

'It's just a dream (Y/n)....'

'It's just a dream (Y/n)....'

No matter how many times he told himself a female slithery voice began penetrating hid ears......

"It was your fault....."

"You're the reason they're dead.... "

"You can't protect them...."

As her venomous voice went silent (Y/n) looked up not knowing what to expect.

As he did intact raise his head he found himself on the floor of a house. Familiarity ran through his mind as he looked around.

He was in a kitchen.....

"No.....Not This again....Pelase..... No....." as he held his head the young  (Y/n) heard the dangling of a rope holding something.

Forcing his head up he came face to face with something horrific......

A nun was dangling from the ceiling. Her bright beautiful blonde hair and once lively purple orbs were now dim.

Her small frame just slightly swayed from side to side as her mouth was slightly opened with a littlest of saliva running down her mouth.

Tears welled up in his eyes as (Y/n) watched her body from the floor....




" Make it stop!!!!!!!! " he shouted to No one in particular......Tears ran down his face as he huddled himself up in a corner by one of the kitchen cupboards. 

The Collin Family:HighSchool DxD FanficWhere stories live. Discover now