Rating Game

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Everyone of the ORC currently stood before the Collin family as they were waiting for Grayfia to come and whisk them away. Luke and Alex were currently talking to Kiba and Koneko whilst James was talking with Akeno and Asia. 

(Y/n) was talking to Rias and Issei, "Remember what you learned this week and you guys should be fine," he had his muscular arms folded. He was currently adorned in a silk white shirt along with dress pants and tie accompanied by a black trench coat.  

"Roger that, senpai!" Issei saluted, but smiled non the less, "I'll make you guys proud!" 

"I'm sure you will," (Y/n) offered him a small smile. "Just remember, don't lose focus whilst on the battlefield, yeah?" 

"Noted," Issei grinned and then left as he heard Kiba call him over. 

(Y/n) switched his gaze to Rias whom regarded him with a grateful smile, "You sure you won't be able to watch?"she asked him as she stepped closer. 

"I'm afraid not," he gave her a sympathetic look, "I have business to attend to, my dad sent me an email last night that said we've been having some trouble with the church." 

"Isn't that ironic...a church causing trouble," she playfully snickered. 

"Yes, well it turns out not everyone is as faithful to the Bible as they make themselves out to be," he narrowed his eyes jokingly. 

She chuckled, "Hey...thanks for last night." 

"No problem," he passed a hand through his hair, "I know I'm not the best when it comes to affection so...I just hope I comforted you well." 

"You did just fine," she came and adjusted the black tie he had on, "Just...know that I am thankful, for everything." 

"Is that your pitiful attempt at a goodbye, Gremory?" he asked her and she gave another chuckle. 

"Maybe," she looked into his eyes and was about to say something else before they noticed a glyph appear before them and then Sona along with Tsubaki came out. 

Turning her attention to her friends, Rias greeted them as they conversed about the Rating Game and (Y/n) sighed before getting a notification on his phone. He read the text and took a deep breath. 

James came to his side, "Dad?" 

"Yup," (Y/n) passed a hand through his hair again, "I have to leave soon, you guys good?" 

"We're fine!" Luke appeared by his side now, "It's them we should be worried about," he nudged his head towards the devils whom all seemed anxious. 

"They'll be fine," Alex cut in "Although we didn't get much training in...they should be able to fend for themselves." 

"Let's hope so," (Y/n) said as he then noticed another glyph appear and Grayfia entered, her eyes immediately caught his, "Lucifuge," he nodded to her and she returned the favor. 

"(Y/n)--sama," she turned her attention to Rias and her peerage, explaining how things were going to commence. 

As the Gremory peerage were busy getting themselves ready, Sona came and stood by (Y/n)'s side, "You think they'll beat him?" 

"I don't know," the eldest Collin said, "All you can do is watch and find out." 

"You won't be watching?" Sona asked and rotated her body to look at him. 

"I'm afraid not," (Y/n) regarded her as well, "But in other news, I've been hearing chatter going around the churches about some rogue priests...you guys better watch your backs more carefully." 

The Collin Family:HighSchool DxD FanficWhere stories live. Discover now