The New Devil, The Old Memory and The Troubled Collin

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As the noises of Kuho Town's bustling population sounded through the scenery, citizens can be seen going about their business, some even rushing as they may have been late.

Of this multitude of people,  Kuho Academy's students were currently making their way to campus as they conversed with each other. Friends chatting, walking together, some even stopping at stands to buy themselves breakfast.

Among the students, two in particular stood out, Matsuda and Motohama—two thirds of the 'Perverted Trio', as they were dubbed by the student body. Currently they stood by a food stand leering at their female peers as the girls passed.

Suddenly however, Motohama collected his sandwich, "Yo, Matsuda, don't you think Issei has been acting weird lately?" he asked as they began to trek to school.

"Now that you mention it, he did seem jumpy yesterday," he adjusted his glasses as Motohama took a bite of his sandwich.

"....Hm," Motohama dragged on the last syllable as he took another bite, "Eh, he's probably just mad that he hasn't gotten any from a hot girl yet, he'll be alright, right Matsuda?" he looked around, "......Matsuda?"

He spotted his companion levitating towards a group of female students, " Orihime—senpai...." The bespectacled students drooled as he walked much to Motohama's dislike.

"Oi! Matsuda, wait up dude!" he ran after his friend, 'Yeah, Issei's alright, he wouldn't get in trouble.'


In the Disciplinary Committee's Office Issei currently sat in a chair sweating bullets as he had his hands on his laps not daring to say a word as he felt the pressure of the room weighing on him for some reason.

He wasn't even in trouble!

...........He thought.

'H—How did it reach to this point?' he thought as he slowly looked up at the person he's currently facing. As his eyes adjusted to the light coming through the window one would notice (Y/n) sitting on his desk in his tailored uniform with his hands in his pockets, his expression not giving away any of his thoughts at the moment.

To (Y/n)'s right was Luke whom leaned against the bookshelf attached to the wall with his arms folded and his usual intimidating expression, Alex was to the elder Collin's left and currently had one hand on the table and the other by his side equipped with his usual neutral expression.

To the back of the room, James stood in front of  the window with his hands behind his back, and a unlike his usual smile, he replaced it with a serious expression, however he seemed to be staring at something, someone , instead of the rest of the devils in the room.

This did not go unnoticed by Rias or (Y/n) as they also noticed her QUEEN indulging the Collin. The ORC and Student Council both stood behind Issei as they peered at the Collin brothers, ready for anything.

Clearing her throat, Sona let out, "I suppose we all remember why we are here..." she looked toward Rias whom nodded and stepped toward (Y/n) whom still sat on his desk, not saying a word as of yet as he looked down on Issei.

The second year in question shying away from his elder's gaze as he could have sworn (Y/n) irises changed to a purple hue as he stared at him, as if commanding him to be calm.

Rias held her arms under her bust as she was in front of Issei, blocking (Y/n) from seeing the Hyoudou.

"Issei—kun, we know you may many questions, however allow me to ask one of my own," he looked up at her, "Do you believe in God." The rest of the room paid attention to her speech. "Things like Angels, Jesus.....Devils"

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