Girlfriend Trouble

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Shortly after returning to his office and paperwork, (Y/n) decided to call it a day and began riding toward the café his brothers told him to meet them at.

After parking his motorcycle and taking off his helmet and gloves he stepped into the diner. As he stepped in he noticed some folks, mainly teens looked up from their phones or from conversing to stare.

Chatter then erupted amongst some as they admired the Collin brother, most of the stares he received usually involved persons talking about his little squabble that happened earlier that evening.

Even kids from other schools conversed as they eyed him. Noticing his brothers he went over to their table and greeted them, "What am I paying for?"

James, giving him a fist bump as he sat down said, "Well, Alex and Luke went ahead and ordered two sandwiches with a side of fries while I ordered two smoothies for us."

Nodding he made himself comfortable in his seat looking at the menu as well. Suddenly hearing Alex call him he gave his attention, "Nii-sama, Is this you?"

Showing him his phone, (Y/n) suddenly gave a small smirk as he stared at the video before him, "Maybe it is."

What was in the video was (Y/n) catching Renji's foot and then Renji charging at (Y/n) only for the president to dodge him and slapped the shit out of him. After Renji reeled back feeling his mouth bleed, he charged at (Y/n) once more.... This time he was met with a fist to the nose. The phones couldn't even pick it up. It only showed as a blur, Renji's nose suddenly leaked blood and he fell back on the gound knocked out cold.

"Yeah, well it's all over social media. Practically all the schools are talking about it. They're calling you 'Kuoh Academy's Iron Fist'.... Bunch of Losers." Luke as said as he clicked his tongue.

James chuckled, "Jealous (Y/n) got a nickname before you."

"As if..."

"Yep, he's totally jealous," Alex immediately entered the conversation.


They all chuckled at his flustered state.

"That was your plan, wasn't it," James stated as he suddenly entered a more amused tone as well, "You knew they were filming. You just wanted to send a message."

Letting out an amused breath (Y/n) said, "We'll see if it works... I'm actually having a little fun."

"You're also taking it seriously." Luke commented.

"Well, so are you Luke. I see you playing baseball almost everyday with the guys." James commented.

"What about you, Iron Chef Tokyo."

"....Well, I for one am enjoying myself!" Alex interjected.

This surprised (Y/n) and Luke along with James as they peered at Alex growing a little smile as they saw the youngest of the group pass his hand on his camera. "I-I'm actually having fun, it's nice. Being able to have a good time with everyone. Reminds me of why we're fighting."

This brought a smile to everyone's faces, including a small one to (Y/n)'s face, "He's right, I really did mean it, when I said for everyone to enjoy school. This is a fresh start, for all of us. No matter what, we're in this together."

"Together," the brothers repeated in unison, then chuckled. Soon enough their food came and the waitress was thanked and the brothers enjoyed their meals whilst making occasional jokes and digs at each other.

Soon enough they sensed a common presence, one (Y/n) had helped earlier. Looking out of the window of the diner the Collin boys noticed Issei leaning on the bridge that overlooked the highway.

The Collin Family:HighSchool DxD FanficWhere stories live. Discover now