Wedding Crushers

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That evening when (Y/n) got home, his brothers were all either pissed or slightly dejected. They decided it would have been better if they had just forgotten about the whole damn thing anyway. (Y/n) ended up spending the rest of his day in his at home office doing paperwork.

Night time was just about ready to come in and (Y/n) sighed as he leaned back in his chair. His memories bringing up the red headed woman he came to know over the past few months. Grumbling to himself, he was about to get back to work when Alex barged into his office, he looked up and raised a brow, "Alex, what's wrong?"

"It's Asia, she's at the front door with Issei! She says her healing won't work on him," his brother finished and (Y/n) was already on his feet and going downstairs with Alex. As they got to the living room, they saw Issei being carried by James.

James looked to his brother, "I'm getting him upstairs to heal now," (Y/n) nodded, "Also...there's someone else that wants to see you." James nodded to the front door where a familiar silver haired maid stood.

(Y/n) regarded the maid before looking to Asia whom nodded and went upstairs with Issei and James. The eldest Collin went over to the door where Luke was scowling at Grayfia, Alex by his side, "It's alright boys," he held their shoulders then looked at Grayfia, "Lucifuge," he nodded to her.

"(Y/n)--sama," she bowed slightly to him, "If you wouldn't mind...I thought we could have that tea now." 


Grayfia currently sat by the kitchen counter, elegantly taking a sip from her tea as (Y/n) was leaned up against the stove with his own mug in his hand, "So, to what do I owe this pleasure, Lucifuge--san?" (Y/n) decided to cut to the chase.

Grayfia placed down her cup of tea onto its saucer, "I have come to inform you that you and your brothers have been invited Rias and Riser--sama's wedding reception."

"And why would we want to attend?" (Y/n) kept his cold gaze fixated on her as she stared back at him neutrally.

"Because you are special to Rias--sama," she said to him immediately, "You have also captured the attention of  her brother, Sirzechs Lucifer."

"Ah, how honored I am," (Y/n) took a sip of his tea, "Please remind me if I'm wrong, but...isn't that the same brother who put his sister up against impossible odds...knowing that was going to fail?"

"That would be correct," Grayfia replied, oddly amused by the gall of the Collin teen.

"Yes, well then. You can tell the bastard he can shove his attention right up his ass," (Y/n) took a sip of his tea casually.

Grayfia gave a very uncharacteristic giggle, "You really are an interesting person, (Y/n)--sama."

"Thank you," he replied with the tiniest bit of zeal.

Grayfia stood up, "The offer still stands, (Y/n)--sama..." she was about to leave, "Also, Sirzechs--sama asked me to relay this message to you. 'If you wish to do something about my sister's current situation...then do it.' Goodbye (Y/n)--sama."

"Goodbye Lucifuge--san," he replied as he watched her glyph appear and she was gone.

Suddenly Asia came downstairs, "Um, (Y/n)--senpai, Issei--san is asking for you..." (Y/n) nodded and watched as she disappeared back upstairs. Taking a deep breath he went upstairs to see his brothers all watching as Issei sat on the edge of the bed with his head down and tears streaming down his face.

(Y/n) leaned against the door frame with his arms folded, "You okay kid?"

Looking up, Issei's teary eyes met his dull ones, "No...senpai, I'm not," his voice sounded broken, "I failed her...I failed Buchou."

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