"Wow, that's Some Killer Breast Milk!"

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As Issei and the mystery blond both lay on the ground of the park he found himself mesmerized by her beauty.....and panties. 'A blond girl with sparkling white panties!' his eyes fired up, "Rare! This is rare!"

Suddenly however, he remembered that they were both on the ground, so picking himself up he rushed over to her offering her his hand, "A—Are you okay?" She took his hand giving her thanks. The feel of her hand immediately brought him a sense of warmth, but at the same time a feeling of warning for some reason.

As the nun got up she thanked him properly for the help that he offered, "Arigatou," just for a powerful gust of wind to pass causing her veil to come off her head only to reveal her beautiful and innocent green eyes as her hair blew in the wind.

"How cute..." Issei expressed as he stared at her completely mesmerized.

"U—Umm...." she muttered unsure of what to say or do as Issei continued to hold onto her hand without letting go.

He jumped realizing this himself, "S—Sorry!" he scratched his head until her veil was suddenly taken up by the wind and he acted quickly grabbing it. As he did however he took on one of his 'special' faces as he talked to himself, 'This is my ideal girl... Version: Blond Beauty!'

"Arigatougozaimatshita," she said as she held her veil down before the wind picked up once more.

"Oh it was nothing," Issei replied as he scratched his head. He then addressed himself in his head, 'I need to keep this conversation going somehow......A subject..... A subject...'

He suddenly spoke, "Uh.... Wondeful weather we're having today." He scolded himself, 'Who am I, the neighborhood granny?'

"Err....I seem to have ..." he looked at her to see her pressing the tips of her fingers together, somehow nervous, "I seem to have lost my way..."


Along their way Issei witnessed the nun use magic to heal a boy then remembering what his president and (Y/n) both taught him he concluded it to be a Sacred Gear of some sort, but he still had some questions. When they arrived at the church as well he felt a kind of fear creep up on him as he looked at it from his position. The nun, whose name is Asia Argentou, then asked him to meet her again, to which he agreed. He then watched as she walked away from him.

When he thought she was at a safe distance away, he did a quick mystery dance before he advanced to school.


(Y/n) was currently in his office sorting through some books in his lirbary when he heard a knock on the door. Looking up from the book he was reading he answered, "Come in."

"Yo, senpai," Issei stuck his head through the door before entering, "I uh... I have some questions... Buchou doesn't want me to do something, but I feel like I need some answers.... Can you help me?"

(Y/n) looked at the younger of the two through his spectacles before sighing, "Hyoudou, as much as I don't like the Gremory... I have a right mind that she is probably trying to help you and keep you safe..."

"I know , but I just want to know why I can't talk to the person I met today..." Issei said as he sat down on one of the sofas in the office.

"You met someone today?" (Y/n) asked as he shut one of the books that he held in his hand.

"Hai..." Issei dreamily said as he pictured Asia in his mind one more time for the day, "She was beautiful..."

(Y/n) let out a breath of amusement before he went over to his desk and leaned back on it whilst taking off his glasses, "Interesting, carry on then..."

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