"Is this joint custody now?!"

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As time went on as usual in Kuoh Town, the devils and the Collin family were finally at a cease fire. Which was a surprise to even them seeing as Rias Gremory and (Y/n) Collin were always at each other's throats. However, as of late they were both never seen around each other, as if they were the plague to one another. 

James paid it no heed as he continued to assist the devils along with Alex and a disgruntled Luke. Issei and Asia were just getting used to each other and becoming very close... to which Luke constantly warned him to thread carefully. 

That was the progress that each brother made, they had all grown accustomed to Asia and treated her as they would a younger sister, hell, they even covertly accepted Koneko as a little sister, even if she could lift more than a ton. 

As backlash for (Y/n)'s actions in the previous week, Sona has had him on somewhat of a cool down period and even advised him to get more members into his committee...to which he denied obviously, but promised to think about it.

That's where we find the eldest Collin brother now, in his office, looking over some student files with his glasses on and hair tied up. There was some solid options, however most of them would either be too soft or too biased when it came to being on the committee. 

Sighing, he untied his hair and took off his glasses as he heard the bell ring, signalling that it was time to leave for the day. As he made his way to the door he could already sense two familiar auras that have been bugging him since this week began. 

With his bag slung over his shoulder and his leather jacket draped over it, he opened the door to find two first year students kneeling in front of him, one with blonde spiky hair and another with a little longer jet black hair. 

"Please take us to be your students, senpai!" 

"Please take us to be your students, senpai!" 

They both exclaimed at the same time, drawing attention to themselves and (Y/n) as students filed out of their classrooms. The Collin brother groaned slightly, "Get on your feet," his exhausted voice beckoned them.

As they did he simply walked off, making them both scramble after him, "Senpai, please! At least hear us out!" the blonde haired teen begged as he and his friend followed their senpai. 

"Yeah, you don't even know anything about us!" the black haired teen assisted prompting (Y/n) to stop and face them as they made it to the schoolyard. 

"Sasuke Uchiha, right?" (Y/n) looked to the black haired teen, "Itachi's little brother...I knew him well. How's the Uchiha Gang been since I've left?" 

Sasuke was at a loss for words, "H--How did you--" he was cut off by Naruto's laughter. 

"He got you so good dude!" 

"Naruto Uzumaki," (Y/n) looked toward the blonde teen now, "Mother and Father died in an accident and you were taken in by your grandparents...Jiraya and Tsunade if I'm not mistaken. Jiraya's a world famous author and your grandmother is one of the best surgeons in Japan...tell her (Y/n) Collin sends his regards." 

"What the--" Naruto was cut off by Sasuke's snort this time. 

"Look who he's got this time." 

"Shut up, man..." 

(Y/n) sighed, "So, with the exception of you both having 'bright' futures ahead of yourselves, why the Disciplinary Committee and not some sport or something?" 

"Because none of those have the rep that we would get from being on a student body committee," Sasuke said prompting (Y/n) to nod understandingly. 

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