"French court"

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I can't believe that I am to be wed to a prince who has a different girl in his bed every night.

"Rose me and your father have talked to your uncle the king of Spain who thought the idea of you to be wed to Francis the prince of Scotland and France would be a good for the family and he would be way above your station" My mother says happily.

"Mother as much as you want me to be wed to a prince...I have heard the stories about him" I couldn't really believe that she would want me to marry someone like that.

"But Rose your father and your uncle support the idea and have sent word to French court about it if we get word back you are to come at once" My mother says in a understanding tone.

"okay mother" I sigh.

"Now lets get you ready for bed" She smiles lightly. "Lily" She calls before she walks out my room in which Lily swiftly walks in.

"Yes my lady" She says nodding her head. Lily was a year older than me and was married and she was super nice for someone who was older than me you would think a girl her age would be filled with hatred working for my family since we had so much money and wealth, which was inherited by his father and the other he helping our uncle in trade and other business I did not know of.

"Hey Lily" I smile as she helps me take off my dress she was like a big sister to me. Since my parents couldn't have another child after me, which my father didn't like very much so he made it my responsibility to be able to soon help the name of this family, which as you could say my father wanted power my mother not so much.

"Hello Rose how was your day" She whisper as she helps me brush my long brown hair.

"It was how do you say Diferentes" I was learning how to speak Portuguese because I picked every other language up pretty quicker than others, which meant I knew how to speak French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch and Bulgarian. I was a very quick learner and Lily new how to speak Portuguese from her mother so I asked her to teach me a little every night before I go to bed.

"Really well that must mean your mother has given you the news of what is to happen if word is to come back tomorrow" Lily whispers while braiding my hair into one long braid.

"But I don't know if want to be wedded off to a prince who is just going to end up hating me or me hating him" I say turning around in my chair to face her.

"Well I can tell you this if word is sent for you to come to court don't be afraid and besides if he is keen on taking you to bed just talk to him about politics and I'm sure he will get bored within the first few minutes" She giggles. I can always count on lily to make me feel better about any problem I have.

"Thanks" I say hugging her and quickly getting into bed.

"Now Princesa I will teach you a fraise Há uma tênue linha entre amor e ódio" She whispers.

"Há uma tênue linha entre amor e ódio" I repeat after her.

"their is a thin line between love and hate" She smiles kissing my forehead before she quickly leaves my room. I can't believe that if their is word tomorrow of what my father has proposed to the king I may never come back here again, I'll miss my bed and the way my window looks out to the meadow that I have played in since I was a little girl. I miss when I was little girl everything was a lot easier and I didn't have to worry about any thing other than my toys. I am worried that I may be forced to marry him and him me, although I doubt that he would feel bad about it. I went to sleep that night dreaming about when I first asked my father for a horse named Belle who was so beautiful I would just stare at her all day. I thought she was magical I would even say so to my mother.

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