"My parents"

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Rosilie's Dress

I woke up this morning to the sun shining in my face and learning that the servants were already getting prepared for tomorrow. I quickly got up and decided to get dressed with out Lily today seeing as she wasn't their. After getting dressed I made my way out of my room to the servant kitchen I wanted to see what they did for once and explore maybe even make a friend only to than run into Maria.

"Rosilie come" She says excitedly quickly grabbing my hand and pulling me quickly off to her chambers.

"Well I see you are as swift as your brother" I say trying to catch my breath.

"My brother can be very keen when he wants something" She blurts surprising me.

"Isn't he always" I says looking around her room.

"But the way my brother looks at you is different" She sighs walking around her room slowly.

"looks at me I'm sure I am not that mesmerizing" I say surprised.

"On the contrary....you are quit breath taking in fact so much so I'm sure my cousin Daniel is blind by your beauty as well" She smiles.

"Me and Daniel are friends" I say with a light laugh.

"Woman and Men can not be friend Rosilie...while you are at court you should keep that in mind" She says seriously.

"You know much" I say surprised.

"Well being raised in court can teach a younger girl that so you should be very careful because just as well as you make friends you will make enemies" She says walking toward her door calling a servant. I didn't really want to listen in on the conversation so I mostly looked around at the silks blankets and extravagant jewelry and pearls.

"I have sent word to my brother that you are here lets see how quick he can get to you" She smiles.

"You make it seem as if he is obsessed with me" I say with a sigh.

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